67 • Suppressed Memories

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A/N: Apologies for my late update. I have been moving flats. Happy december everyone!

What's your favourite HP book, and movie?


You had fallen asleep in Snape's lap whilst on the floor in your room. Scarlet was in the hospital wing, so Snape was in no rush to wake you up. Instead, he sat there in silence and ran his fingers through your hair, while internally planning what to do next semester when Draco would return.

But he found no immediate solution, besides extending the boy's christmas holiday with a few weeks. He would have to discuss how many with Dumbledore.

While sitting there he had the time to go through what happened, and he felt regretful about how he handled it. Sighing, he looked down at your face and wished he had listened to you the moment he had entered the room.

However, he hadn't been able to hold back his anger as he had already began panicking the moment he felt his coin heat up. And the sight of Draco kissing you, with his knee pressed between your legs, made him boil on the inside.

Since the day you had asked to stay in his room just over two years ago - which to him was absurd - he had realised that letting you in was the end of his lone but protected world.

Ever since he was a little boy he had learnt to push people away, and to build high walls in order to keep them out. Only Lily had found access, as if she had created an open door straight through it all.

Now, you hadn't just created a door, but you'd begun knocking those walls down. Suddenly he wasn't as protected anymore, he had weaknesses, and Bellatrix Lestrange had figured that out.

Snape sighed and closed his eyes, thinking back on all the things that you'd have to go through since getting involved with him.

Even your friendship with Draco was on the line because of him. What used to be quite the regular life had at points turned dangerous for you, and it was all because of him.

But when he watched you sleep, he couldn't help but smile just a little. After everything, you still threw yourself in his lap, and felt safe enough to actually fall asleep. Which, some would say, was the most vulnerable position to be in.

It had to mean something, he thought.

«Severus?», you whispered, while still having your eyes closed. Snape hummed in response and felt his heart flutter by your sweet voice.

«Can we leave? I don't want to be here».

He stroked your back and ignored the uncomfortable sensation he was feeling from sitting on the hard surface for so long. «Soon, darling, I have a few things I have to do first», Snape replied.

You sighed, shifted and stretched out so you were looking straight up at his face, «where are we going?».

«You said it didn't matter where», he smiled.

«I know, it doesn't. I just want to know what to pack», you whispered and cleared your throat. Wiping your eyes you still felt so sleepy from crying. Snape rested a hand on your head and let his thumb gently stroke back and forth by your hairline.

«If you don't mind, I'd like to take you to my family home», he said slowly.

You widened your eyes in surprise, «really?»

«If you don't mind», he repeated.

«I'd love to», you smiled.

Snape felt strange knowing he was going to share christmas with someone. Or celebrate at all. He hadn't since he was quite young. And for the first time in his life, he had bought christmas presents.

Pit of Snakes (Lucius, Draco, Snape x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now