61 • Floating Balloons

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Smut ahead.


Draco had insisted he would escort you to the Great Hall for the celebratory dinner prior to the proper festivities.

So at the moment you were alone in your chambers, getting ready for the big night.

Scarlet had thrown a tantrum when you'd left her with Madam Pomfrey. Seeing her things being taken there might have set off some separation anxiety, or perhaps it was just one of them days. You had truly felt bad, but Pomfrey had reassured you she would be fine once you'd left.

Standing in your bathroom you were applying some dusty rose lipstick, finishing your look. You had slipped into your dress, and already started imagining how Snape would take it off later.

You had asked him to accompany you while you were getting ready, but he had a meeting with the staff before the dinner to attend to. So from now on you had to pretend as if he was only your professor, and that was easier said than done.

A knock on your door distracted you from your thoughts. Holding your dress in your hands you hurried over to open it, «one second, I need shoes and earrings», you said, not even giving Draco time to say hello.

«You look stunning», he said at the sight of you. Looking back at him you smiled.

«Not so bad yourself», you replied, putting on simple silver hoop earrings. He grinned and put his hands in his pockets.

You sat down on your bed and started fumbling with your black heels and their long and thin straps.

«Let me help you», Draco rushed over and got down on one knee in front of you. He didn't give you much time to protest as he was already lacing them up. They were the type where you'd have to lace them around and around your leg, half the way up to the knee.

«Uh», you breathed, «you didn't have to do that».

«My pleasure», he said as he concentrated, «this okay?», he asked as he finished the first one.

«Yes», you replied, feeling awkward, pulling down your dress a bit as you felt uncomfortable with the high slit on your thigh all of a sudden.

As he finished the second one he smiled and held out his hands, proud of his work. You rolled your eyes, «yeah, you did good», you muttered and stood up.

«Let's go», he smiled and held out his arm for you to link with. You raised an eyebrow.

He is just being friendly, right? Has Severus' concerns gotten to me?

«One moment», you said as you held up a finger, «I need one more thing».

Draco waited, again, and when you came back out from the bathroom he saw you'd put on your onyx pendant. «Ready?», he asked.

«Yes», you hesitated but you did link arms with him, giving him the benefit of the doubt. There could be a chance you were overthinking it all.

Leaving your chambers you saw a stream of other students walking towards the Great Hall. The two of you joined in. For once you were actually a tad bit taller than Draco, but he didn't seem to be bothered by it at all.

Soon enough Pike and his date caught up with you, «hi», he said and grinned. By his side was Susan Bones. You raised your eyebrows and shared a look with Draco, but smiled to her.

«Hi, I'm Y/N», you said and held out your hand to the redheaded hufflepuff. She was wearing a beautiful green dress, quite short as it stopped mid-thigh.

Pit of Snakes (Lucius, Draco, Snape x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now