21 • Death Eater

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You instictively fought back as your professor dragged you into the dark, his hand covering your mouth to silence your protests. However, it was to no use, his strong arms were not letting you go. «Calm down», he hissed in your ear, still keeping a lookout behind you. When you didn't listen he pushed you up against the cold wall again, staring right into your eyes, «silence», he warned, «obey my simple orders you silly girl, I will not hesitate to use magic». His voice came out in a deep whisper.

Mental notes of things my professor has called me in a week: reckless, disobedient, spoiled, clumsy, messy, absent-minded, silly and.. sweet.

So much for not accepting name-calling, Professor McGonagall.

You nodded into his hand, trying to calm your stress levels. Huffing, the professor dragged you with him further down the hall, and as you turned a corner he stopped by an old statue. You couldn't see what it was in the dark. «Dissendium», the dark haired whispered. An entrance revealed itself behind the statue. Pushing you in first, Professor Snape looked back one last time to see if Lucius was there. Feeling confident that he wasn't, the professor joined you as the statue moved back to its original spot.

Walking past you quickly, his black robes swayed behind him dramatically. Following him you didn't know if you were allowed to talk yet, which was making you stressed because you had at least ten questions to ask the professor. Some of which were inappropriate and not relevant to the current situation.

«Will you tell me what's going on?», you whisper-yelled after him, hoping it was an okay time to speak seeing as he wasn't covering your mouth after all.

«I could ask you the same», he replied slowly.

Feeling childish you didn't feel like explaining yourself, so you kept following him without saying a word. Your legs were a bit shaky after the run you'd just had, so your pace just wasn't as fast as his. «Keep up», he muttered.

Walking behind him you admired his silky black hair, and wondered how it would feel like in your hands. Blushing at the thought you tried to pick up your pace so you were walking next to him.

«Where are we going?», you asked as you glanced up at his face. His eyebrows were brought down into a frown, but it wasn't exactly a face you hadn't seen before. The look of dismay surely could be his signature look.

«Out of here», he replied.

«Out of the castle?», you asked, feeling confused.

«Obviously», he sneered.

«Sorry for asking», you rolled your eyes.

He started walking faster as if he wanted to tire you out even more. You wondered why you had to leave the castle, and why did he call your game dangerous? You knew Mr. Malfoy was angry, but you already knew the lengths of his punishments. Admittedly, they were enjoyable, despite the fact that his intimidating nature also felt unpredictable and kind of scary. You wouldn't tell anyone, but that was part of the reason why you did like it. Being dominated by him was addictive.

On the other hand, you had been a bit nervous about what he would do if he had managed to stop you earlier. You had indeed broken many rules. However, the thought felt invigorating nonetheless.

Professor Snape came to a halt. Being deep in thoughts you walked right into him with a thud. «What have I told you about your focus?», he growled, clearly annoyed. You sighed. «Tell me», he demanded.

Pit of Snakes (Lucius, Draco, Snape x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now