82 • Amber Rays

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Smut ahead


Your favourite sunrise was the one you'd grown to love from the dungeons. Any Ravenclaw might've said you were crazy to feel that way, as they enjoyed it from a higher altitude than the snakes in the lower level.

It was just something special about the way the orange glistening light from the rays of the sun travelled through the depths of the Great Lake and its many layers of blue and green, before it burst through the windows of the Slytherin rooms.

Even the little fish and magical creatures' scales glittered as the amber rays reflected in them, turning them - if possible - even more magical than before.

When that particular mixture of colours, light and glitter shone upon your sleeping lover; fiancé; baby daddy and professor, you felt lucky and content.

A saturday morning had, perhaps, never been this good.

You'd talked Snape into taking the weekend off. It hadn't been an easy task at all. But seeing how he was still fast asleep you knew it had been the right decision.

Looking at his face you noticed how his brows turned down into a frown, which made you do so as well, wondering what he was dreaming. A few incoherent words left his lips as he mumbled some in his sleep.

You used the back of your hand to caress his cheek, hoping it'd calm his nightly worries. The touch of your skin made him shift in his position and you yelped as a firm hand suddenly snuck around your waist and swiftly pulled you closer. Now, your face only inches from his.

«Baby», you whispered softly, and the muscles in his face relaxed as your voice reached his ears. He was still not awake, but a smile tugged on his lips as he moved his head away from yours a bit. «Sev», you tried again, but the professor didn't wake.

Then another few words rolled of his lips, more audible this time, followed by a chuckle, «I didn't do that... no, I promise».

You raised an eyebrow and smiled amusingly. This was definitely different than the mornings or nights where he would toss and turn, affected by nightmares and what you'd figured must have been memories of the war. It had worried you the first time, but you'd gotten used to it and he usually stopped if you wrapped an arm around him. Sadly, he wouldn't talk about it, but you respected that.

His arms around your waist pulled you even closer, and you started to become curious as to what exactly was going on in his dream. Needless to say, it must have been about you.

«Darling», he murmured and furrowed his eyebrows. You tried not to laugh, but decided to reply.


«I need you», he said and his grip on you loosened as he rolled onto his back. You'd never seen him so enthralled into his sleep.

«I'm here», you whispered into his ear, but the sudden breath on his skin made the professor wince and before you knew it he had pushed you away, and with a thud and another yelp you found yourself on the cold floor.

The sound you'd made startled the older wizard, causing him to wake abruptly. He sat up immediately and looked around the room, holding out his wand.

«It's okay, I just fell», you whispered as you popped your head up from the ground. He brushed the hair away from his face and looked at you questioningly.

«How?», he asked and let out a sigh of relief, his voice raspy from sleep.

«You pushed me», you chuckled and climbed back up into the bed.

He huffed, «and you expect me to believe that? With your track record of being clumsy?»

«You were dreaming», you said. Snape put his wand back down and snuggled back into the mattress and under the duvet with you.

Pit of Snakes (Lucius, Draco, Snape x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now