49 • Favourite Colour

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A/N: This book is getting extremely long.

Too long?


You had calmed down significantly with Scarlet finally back in your arms. But as she bounced her little body happily on top of your stomach you winced at the pain, «careful, baby», you whispered. A look of concern spread across Snape's face as he picked the girl up, who was happy to pull on his hair instead.

«I shouldn't have left you», he said slowly. You looked into his eyes and you felt your lip trembling.

«You couldn't have known she would be there», you whispered, your voice breaking.

He cleared his throat, «no, but I could have anticipated it. I really shouldn't have-»

You reached for his hand, «it's okay, it brought me to Scarlet, and you saved me».

He furrowed his eyebrows. He knew very well that he wouldn't have been able to without the help of the Minister, Shacklebolt and Dumbledore. At the same time, he knew that Lestrange would've done a lot worse had he not kept his cool.

«What happened to them?», you whispered as tears swelled in your eyes.

«Lucius and Bella?»

You nodded as you wiped the tears from your face.

«Lucius is in custody, and Bella... she managed to escape», he drawled. You gasped at the realisation that the witch was still out there.

«No, no, no», you exclaimed. Snape's eyes widened at your reaction.

«Hey, hey, you're okay», he tried to reassure you, but you started heaving for air again as panic set in, and he didn't know what to do.

Madam Pomfrey came rushing over, almost knocking Severus and the child off the bed as she walked past angrily, «I told you this wasn't the time, Professor Snape», she said as she tried to get your attention, «inhale, exhale, Y/N, like we did earlier».

Snape stood up in order to not be in the way. He comforted the child who had started whimpering in his arms after hearing her mother struggle. He had a crushing feeling of guilt, because of your reaction, but also your situation as a whole. «I'm sorry», he murmured.

Then Dumbledore entered the room. The Professor turned to look at the old wizard and nodded in greeting. The Headmaster glanced over at you in the hospital bed and felt sorry for you as he heard your rapid breathing. «Severus, I need a word», he said calmly. Snape tried to give Scarlet back to the matron, but she just waved him away dismissively.

«You're her father, Professor Snape, take her with you», she muttered as she tried to help you steady your breathing once more.

He cleared his throat and looked towards Dumbledore, who nodded confirmingly, «that's no problem», he said as he turned on his heel and left the room. Snape followed suit, looking back at you he sighed.


In Dumbledore's office the Headmaster went straight to his desk. Snape moved Scarlet from one side to the other, balancing her on his hip. He had grabbed a plushie from the hospital wing as they'd left and she was busy pulling at its ear.

«With Bellatrix still on the loose we have to be careful. The Minister and I have agreed that they will be monitoring the castle like they did before Voldemort's attack last year», he explained as he moved some papers around his desk, «tell me, Severus, what did she say to you before apparating?»

Snape sighed, «they're after me as well. Apparently the death eaters find it unfair that I wasn't charged like them. Bella wanted to hurt me, and she used Y/N and Scarlet against me», he said, his face fell at the memory of you at her mercy.

Pit of Snakes (Lucius, Draco, Snape x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now