31 • Secret Gossip

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In the classroom you sat by your desk to serve detention. But you were struggling to keep your focus on your homework as your eyes kept drifting over to the professor who was seated behind his desk. Instead of thinking about potions and your NEWTs you were thinking about how he fucked you just hours ago, and how you showered together, your hair still damp to prove it.

Not realising you were staring at him his deep voice startled you as he spoke, «focus, Miss Y/LN».

«I'm trying», you snap.

Looking up at you a cheeky curve formed by the left side of his lips, «what's on your mind?».

«Nothing», you said, unsure whether he was testing you.

«Then get to it», he demanded as he looked back down to keep grading homework. Sighing you felt yourself getting sleepy. Resting your head in the palm of your hand you struggled to keep your eyes open.

«Y/N», he warned, the sound of your name making you snap back into the present moment.


«You're not here to sleep», he said slowly.

«I'm tired, Professor», you whined.

«Well», he looked back down, «if you had listened to me then... that wouldn't have been a problem».

Groaning at his words you rolled your eyes, «I apologised».

He felt his cheeks flush, «yes», he cleared his throat, «but that wasn't the point».

«Whatever», you muttered as you let out a deep sigh. Putting your attention back to your books you felt his eyes burn into your skin. Glancing back up at him you noticed he was displeased.

«Your lack of respect is daunting», he growled, «I must have been too nice». Pretending as though hearing that didn't make you aroused you just sent him an innocent smile.

«I'm sorry», you mumbled.

«Prove it», he challenged.

«W-what?», you asked, your words almost got stuck in your throat.

«Prove it», he repeated.

«How?», you asked, not comprehending his request.

He waved you over to his desk and you felt your body shudder with excitement. Walking over you leaned down so your face was the same level as his, and you felt his hot breath on your cheek.

Whispering into your ear he talked slowly, «do..... your...... homework». Leaning back into his chair he looked pleased with himself at your frown. You sucked in your cheek and bit onto it, holding back a mean comment.

«Fine», you groaned as you walked back to your desk. Making sure your hips swayed just a tad more than normal, hoping you at least could tease him a little. Sitting back down, however, you saw that he was fully concentrating on his work.


Sitting in the common room the following weekend you had done your very best to not act different around Draco and Blaise. You knew they were death eaters, and they believed that you had been obliviated.

At the same time Draco had been thinking about the situation a lot. He wondered why his father had brought you there and why he had asked about your loyalty. The only thing that was clear to him was that he had asked him to stay away from you, which he had found strange in the first place. The thought of there being something between the two of you made him feel sick, and slightly angry.

Pit of Snakes (Lucius, Draco, Snape x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now