102 • Hopeless Romantic

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Some would probably say you both did it on purpose, but that really wasn't the case. Being late had just turned into your new normal.

So when you, Snape and Scarlet came to the venue and entered the room for the official wedding ceremony, several turned heads to look. Expecting the bride and her father, most of them were disappointed — though extremely surprised to see the three of you.

Scarlet walked in the middle, holding both her parents' hands. She was also wearing a forest green dress to match you. It was the colour Jade had requested you to wear.

The large room was decorated to reflect somewhat of a fairytale forest, with twinkling fairylights and enchanted surroundings. It all felt very Jade-like.

Ignoring the obvious whispers that began the second you all entered, you smiled at Theodore who stood quietly at the very end of the aisle waiting for his bride. He returned it politely.

«Good luck», you mouthed to him as you and Snape found your seats.

Sitting next to Pike you noticed rather quickly how he kept giving you awkward glances. «You're not going to be like this all day, are you?», you whispered and sighed.

He cleared his throat, side-eyeing Snape, «be like what?», Pike replied in a whisper. Snape rolled his eyes and brushed down Scarlet's dress as she sat on his lap.


«I'm not-»

«Pike», you whisper-yelled, «just stop, alright? How are you?»

He ran his fingers through his hair, «I'm good, excited to have a drink, to be honest. You?»

«Great, I just can't wait to see her», you beamed and turned to see if she was coming any time soon. But you couldn't spot her anywhere.

Snape leaned his head to the side, in your direction, and whispered, «what if she doesn't show?». His deep voice startled Pike, as if years of having Snape as his professor had him on edge.

«She'd never do that», you replied, shaking your head in disbelief.

Snape shrugged his shoulders and rested a protective hand on your thigh. Pike's eyes widened when he noticed, his face contorted into one of distate.

When the wedding song eventually began playing, you all stood up to greet the bride and her father. Your eyes welled with tears right away as you laid eyes on her. «She looks absolutely stunning», you said and elbowed Pike, «don't you agree?»

«I guess», he replied, still keeping an eye on the dark haired ex-professor. He, apparently, hadn't prepared himself well enough for this sight.

Snape peered down at you, admiring your emotional reaction to seeing her. «One day that'll be you», he pointed out in a low whisper, «I can't wait».

«Oh, god, don't make me start sobbing», you replied.

Pike winced and tried turning his attention elsewhere, but the direction of his stare was rather unfortunate when he spotted Snape's hand resting on your arse. A shudder of discomfort rushed through his body.

«I can't believe she's getting married», you sniffled, feeling like a proud mother watching Jade walk down the aisle. Her hair had gotten longer since the ball, when you'd seen her last, and her gown was... just magical.

 just magical

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Pit of Snakes (Lucius, Draco, Snape x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now