52 • Desire Erised

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After dinner that sunday you had walked Scarlet back down to Snape, just so he could look after her while you wasted your time with Harry and his friends. And girlfriend.

On your way to the spot you'd agreed to meet them you snuck into Professor Snape's classroom to steal the Veritaserum from his storage. Although he knew you were going to do it, you wouldn't want to risk Filch finding you, or anyone else for that matter. Stuffing the flask into your bra you managed to leave the classroom unnoticed.

By the time you'd reached the one eyed witch statue they were already waiting for you.

«Alright, kids, let's get this over with», you said, crossing your arms over your chest. Harry nodded at you while his friends just stood there. Ginny rolled her eyes as she kept as close to her boyfriend as possible.

«Let's go», Harry said and motioned you all to follow him down the hall. When no one looked you all sneakily slid into an empty room and locked the door behind you. It seemed to be an unused classroom, with most of the floor space freed from anything, really. In a corner stood a tall and beautiful mirror.

Sitting in a circle on the floor Harry looked at you expectingly, «so, did you bring it?»

«Of course», you breathed and reached into your bra. The redheaded boy's eyes widened, earning a slap from Hermione Granger. Rolling your eyes you pulled out the flask and handed it to the chosen one. Ginny seemed pissed that he was even touching something that had been so close to your breasts. «Oh get over yourself», you murmured to her as you noticed, «I never touched your boyfriend, he isn't my type».

Harry, feeling a bit offended if anything, cleared his throat and opened the flask, «so you're to answer the two questions we agreed on, you remember?»

«Yes, which side is Snape on and whether Scarlet is yours», you replied, feeling impatient.

«Hold on, how would she know what side he is really on?», Ron asked, feeling dumbfounded.

Hermione sighed heavily, «she is a Slytherin and she's been friends with Draco practically forever. It's our best bet», she pointed out.

«Don't forget I've been his favourite student for years», you said and poked the inside of your cheek with your tongue as you smiled confidently.

«But I recall him telling you off when you were talking with us two years ago», Hermione pointed out, «and in class this semester».

«Well, you can still be someone's favourite while pissing them off sometimes, right? I'm pretty sure McGonagall adores you», you said and pointed at Harry, giggling as he widened his eyes.

«Nothing of the sort», he protested. Ron sniggered.

«Man, she's right, that woman has bent over backwards since first year to put you in the direction she wants. She's the one who got you on the quidditch team, remember?», he said, earning an elbow to his stomach from his best friend.

«Whatever, bottoms up Y/LN», Harry said and handed you the flask, «just a drop or two».

You sighed and took it from him, sticking out your tongue you let two drops fall to it. The taste wasn't too bad, but it itched as it rolled down your throat. «Well?», you asked.

«Which side is Severus Snape on?», Harry asked. All four of them looked at you as if you were about to reveal who won the house cup.

«He has been on both, but currently and for the longest time he has been on Albus' side. They're great friends, and their loyalty to each other is strong», you said, surprised at how easy the truth rolled of your lips.

Pit of Snakes (Lucius, Draco, Snape x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now