70 • Stop Teasing

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Smut ahead.

The whole chapter.

I hope I am forgiven.


«Right here?», you asked. By the look on your face anyone would've been able to notice how strong your infatuation with the man was. Whether they would understand is besides the point.

Snape loved how your cheeks turned crimson, how your eyes glowed and how you gravitated toward him whenever you got the chance. With his lack of comprehending and believing your emotions and feelings for him, your body language made up for it by being way easier to decipher.

He grabbed a towel and wrapped you in it, and by a swift movement he turned you around and proceeded to also wrap his arms around you. Whispering in your ear, «you heard me».

Goosebumps instantly formed on your skin at the sound of his voice, his breath against your skin and his growing erection against your behind.

«Is she asleep?», you whispered, making sure she was all alright. Snape was nibbling on your ear and breathed a 'yes'. You grinned and arched your back, pressing harder against his middle.

«I want you to watch me fuck you», he said, still whispering in your ear as his grasp around your body was tight. You weren't able to move. A tingling sensation tickled your lower abdomen and you closed your eyes as you bit your lower lip. «Understood?», he asked.

«Yes», you breathed.

He loosened his grip on you, making the towel fall to the floor. Your nipples hardened as the cold rushed over your naked body.

Snape grabbed your wrists and held them tight as he began leaving sloppy kisses on your neck and shoulder from behind you. Yanking your wrists backwards he steered you over to the sink. Drops of water rolled down your skin from your still wet hair.

The reflection in the mirror made your cheeks flush as you realised you were the only one who was undressed. Feeling shy all of a sudden you looked down into the sink.

«Look at me», he demanded, and your eyes slowly found his stare in the mirror. You watched his lips as he muttered the silencing spell, swallowing nervously as you knew what that meant.

«Bend over», he demanded, and you did as told, still keeping eye contact. Your breasts were pressed against the sink in a rather uncomfortable position. Snape changed his grip, now holding both your wrists behind your back with one hand. Shortly after you felt his free hand on your ass, as he diligently moved it around before he found his way down to your heat.

«Tell me what you want», he drawled as he kept looking into your eyes, wanting to savour every reaction and facial expression you'd make.

«You...», you said, your face burning up. Seeing yourself so vulnerable beneath his powerful figure made you feel meek. However, a coy smile appeared on your face as you finished your sentence, «inside me».

As if by demand you felt two fingers enter you. Snape clenched his jaw as he watched you crinkle your forehead and knit your eyebrows together at the sensation. «Like this?», he asked.

You moaned lightly as he moved his fingers in and out of you, your wetness coating them as your body responded by making you ready for him. You gently shook your head, still not breaking eyecontact.

As he continued moving his fingers slowly you whined impatiently. «No?», he wanted you to beg. You bit your lower lip.

«Please», you whimpered as your gaze found his lips, which were slightly parted as he gritted his teeth.

Pit of Snakes (Lucius, Draco, Snape x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now