78 • Astronomy Tower

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A double update since christmas made my last one late.

See you in the comments.


You hadn't told Snape about how Draco had managed to get to you when Garrik had left with the cake. Although he'd been regretful and not mean, you still felt uncomfortable and worried Snape would yell at the elf for his ill timing.

So you'd decided to leave it be, and you'd tried your best to avoid the white haired boy and his lover. Unfortunately that meant you'd continue to be alone. And Pike had started joining you in the library every now and then, when Draco was busy doing God knows what. Even Crabbe and Goyle joined a few times, but they mostly chatted and ate snacks instead of actually working.

The most surprising thing, on the other hand, was how you'd slowly melted into a group of Gryffindors. The surprising element wasn't the fact that they'd welcomed you, but the fact that you'd let them. It was Potter's doing, and you'd definitely hesitated at first, but you'd decided to give it a go. And whenever you were with them, you'd been allowed to let Garrik go.

«Hey, why aren't you around Malfoy anymore?», the redheaded boy asked you as he put down his Charms book and raised his eyebrows at you. You tore your gaze away from your own and figured he had been wanting to ask that for a long time. He hadn't really talked to you at all since Potter had begun inviting you to sit with them.

«None of your business, Weasley», you replied and turned your attention back to your book.

«But you used to be so close», he protested, determined to quench his curiousity.

You sighed and smacked your book close, «tell me something I don't know».

He shrugged, «he's an arsehole».

«That I know», you rolled your eyes and crossed your arms over your chest.

«Will the two of you be quiet? I need to read», Granger's soft voice cut in, making you glare at her.

«Don't you read all the time?», you asked, the tone of your voice portrayed your disliking of the girl.

«I do, and it pays off», she replied and stuck up her nose in an arrogant way. You chuckled and found her amusing.

As you were about to reply you had someone poke your shoulder several times hastily, and when you turned around you saw Pike standing behind you, paler than ever.

«What is it?», you asked and raised an eyebrow.

«It's Draco, you have to come», he replied and awkwardly eyed the Gryffindors.

You sighed, «you know we aren't friends anymore, go get Parkinson or something».

«No, you don't understand», Pike spoke lower this time and motioned for you to follow him so you'd speak in private. Hermione, Ron and Harry both looked at him curiously.

You stood up and followed Pike around the corner, and he looked even paler by now, «he's, uh, he's up by the astronomy tower. And he, uh, he won't come down. He won't talk to me, but he said he'd talk to you».

His words made your blood run cold, «astronomy tower? Why?»

«I think he wants to jump», he whispered, «I don't know what to do».

«Tell a fucking professor», you hissed quietly, «he can hurt himself».

«But he said he wanted to speak to you only», Pike replied and scratched his temple, feeling stressed and helpless.

«Oh for fuckssakeee», you mumbled and put your hair behind your ears, «well, uh, would you just get my things? I'll head up there right now».

Pike nodded and felt relieved you'd go.

Pit of Snakes (Lucius, Draco, Snape x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now