58 • Victory Ball

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I read my last chapter and realised I should've edited it, there was a lot of typos. My apologies.


When you woke up the next morning you wondered for a moment if what had happened had been a dream. Did he actually show up in the middle of the night, let you take control and then asked you to marry him?

Looking over at him you admired his sleepy face. But it didn't take long till he noticed. Without opening his eyes he spoke in a deeper morning voice, «are you staring?»

«Yes», you admitted.

His eyes fluttered open and he grabbed you by the waist and pulled you closer, «why?»

«I wondered if last night had been a dream», you whispered, «but you're here».

He closed his eyes again and kissed your forehead, «mm, I'm here».

You nuzzled into his neck, «was Lily a nice person?», you asked out of curiousity. His eyes opened immediately and he cleared his throat.

«Why are you asking?»

«Just so I know how to feel about her, despite her not being around», you whispered and twirled his hair around your finger.

«Uh, she was my neighbour, but she only ever saw me as a friend, I think. I suppose it was childish of me to keep a crush, or obsession if you will, for that long», he spoke effortlessly, as if he had gone through the story many times in his head already, «we were good friends up until I found interest in the Dark Arts, she didn't care for it and she had, well, found interest in James Potter».

He sighed and spoke again, «although Potter, Lupin and Black found it entertaining to bully me, she defended me at times and at times she asked for forgiveness, mostly for Potter», he said.

You processed the whole story, which oddly made you feel better seeing as there had never been a romantic involvement to feel jealous about. But you had decided that if there had been you wouldn't have used it against him - you'd been there yourself after all. Just not as strong as now. It still pained you though, knowing he had to go through that.

«I see», you murmured, not knowing what else to say, «well it's a beautiful name».


«Lily», you said.

«Oh, yes, I suppose so», he replied and pulled you in tighter. «Can we cuddle in silence until I have to leave to speak to all the tedious staff, please?», he murmured, «this has already been a lot more talking than I'm used to, at least this early».

«You've done all the talking, Sev», you chuckled.

«You asked, you pixie», he groaned.

«Thanks for sharing, I appreciate it», you whispered and left a couple of kisses on his neck and throat.

«Thank you for loving me and giving me peace», he began, «even with my taste of heartache and war».

«Always», you whispered.


The overall vibrations and mood in the Great Hall that morning sent a signal that something important was to be announced by the Headmaster. This, in addition to the presence of the Minister and a healed up, though still visibly hurt, Shacklebolt made people whisper amongst themselves. Professor Lupin was there too, seemingly unharmed.

Scrimgeour looked rather relieved and happy as he smiled while talking to Professor McGonagall, who was also sporting a smile for the first time in a little while.

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