35 • Locked Heart

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Two years later.

Dumbledore had been so kind to assign you your own room. Retaking your seventh year you didn't really have a spot in the dormitories anymore.

When you first arrived the sight of the castle had made you feel all kinds of things. Although it had only been two years, it felt as if it had already been an eternity. This time, however, you felt stronger.

Voldemort's attack on the castle the year before wasn't visible. You'd felt anxious to see if it had taken a lot of damage. Luckily it hadn't. It still felt like home. The dark wizard had been defeated by the hands of Harry Potter and The Order of The Phoenix. For the first time in your life you'd been worried about Potter, but apparently his victorius self had only left the war all the more famous than he already were. Roaming the halls as the chosen one, as well as the victorius one.

That was the thing though. Since you'd postponed your last year until now, he would be taking the same classes as you. And you didn't know what you felt about that. Crabbe, Goyle, Pansy, Pike and... Draco too. Depending on their chosen subjects, that is.

«Do you think you could manage in here Miss Y/LN?», Dumbledore asked as you looked around the chambers he had assigned you in the dungeons. It was beautiful. The big four poster doublebed was draped in black silk, with a layer of sheer fabric on top it reminded you of the dark night sky. The view was just as you'd remembered, wet and fishy as little sea creatures floated by. It had easily been your favourite part of having a room in the dungeons. You sent him a grateful smile and a nod.

«This is just too nice of you», you said and sighed, «you've done a lot for me already, thank you». He smiled and fidgeted with his beard.

«Glad to help», he said as he watched you put your stuff away. Unpacking had never been your strong suit, it was boring and tedious, but this time it felt good. You felt good. You reached for your camera in a box and looked at it, remembering how it had gotten you into trouble two years ago. Dusting off some dust you accidentally knocked off the lens cap, as it fell to the floor it jumped and rolled out the door. You quickly put the camera down.

«Watch her for me please», you exclaimed, but you didn't wait for a reply as you followed the lens cap out into the corridor. As you bent down to pick it up, however, you saw him.

He was talking to some students and you smiled weakly as your heart fluttered. He looked just the same. His jet black hair stopped beautifully at his shoulders. His face still clean shaven. His usual look of dismay spread across it. But there was something. His black eyes looked tired, the rings under his eyes just a little heavier than before.

It took him a few seconds until he noticed you were standing there. His eyes widened and you noticed the shock upon his face, it looked as if he couldn't believe his own eyes. Smiling at him you just stood there. Frozen. He waved off the students dismissively, not breaking eye contact with you. Professor Snape had been on your mind every day since you left. But you hadn't talked to him, or written to him. You hadn't explained anything. You'd just left. And you didn't expect him to forgive you for that. You'd been selfish. You'd chosen you.

«Hi», you said softly as he approached you. He looked you up and down, and you felt the familiar shivers go down your spine as his tall figure still managed to intimidate you.

«Miss Y/LN», he said slowly, and found himself at a loss for any more words.

«I'm back», you said, your voice low. Wondering how he felt about it.

«I can see that», he sneered, still looking you up and down.

«Look, I'm sorry I never-»

«You just left», he snapped, clearing his throat he seemed to regret spilling his emotions.

Pit of Snakes (Lucius, Draco, Snape x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now