48 • The Scream

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Warning, violence ahead.

The coin turned hot in Snape's pocket. The feeling of it caused his heart to race rapidly. Dumbledore understood what was going on by the professor's reaction.

Rufus Scrimgeour and Kingsley Shacklebolt, who were sitting down at the moment after having been asked to in order to be told Snape's truth, looked over at the dark haired wizard curiously.

«What's going on?», Shacklebolt asked.

«She's in danger», Snape drawled, «let me prove to you my loyalty for the sake of this proposed agreement».

The Minister rose to his feet, «we shall come with you for the girl's safety».

«On the contrary, Scrimgeour, if Bella is there too I believe they will scurry the second they see you», Snape replied.

The Minister cleared his throat as he crossed his arms over his chest, «very well. If you're not back in a short moment we will come. They must be stopped».

Snape sighed, «if you insist. We do have the same goal here, Minister».


You were on the ground, the pain still jolting through you. Bellatrix Lestrange laughed as she watched your squirming body, your torture entertaining her. When you felt as if your eyesight started fading and your body started feeling numb you heard a familiar voice through the buzzing sound in your head, as well as the dark witch's laughter.

«Stop it, Bella», Snape drawled as he pointed his wand towards her. He cursed himself for leaving you. Had he known Lestrange was with Malfoy he would've never done so.

«Severus», she greeted him, giggling she stopped the spell from crushing you. But it left you weak and almost unable to move. Laying on the ground you could hardly move your eyes, as they flickered, attempting to once again find Lucius. Hoping you'd not been wrong when seeing him holding what seemed to be a baby. Your baby.

«This ends here», Snape stated as he seemed ready to attack her. Lestrange only laughed, smiling viciously as she pointed at your limp body on the ground.

«I heard you knocked her up», she couldn't contain her giggles, «a student? And people say I'm deranged?»

«Where's the child?», Snape asked angrily. That's when he noticed something move in his peripheral vision. By turning his head slightly, while keeping his wand directed at the dark witch, he saw Lucius standing in a corner cradling what looked like a baby. The sight calmed him slightly.

«You don't know how many wants to see you dead, hurt or imprisoned for walking free while we didn't. Some would even say it was... unfair», Lucius muttered. Lestrange grinned as she struggled to keep still, swaying a little she pointed her wand at you again.

«How would you feel if I killed her?», she screamed loudly, her stare intense against the Professor. He worried she could hear his heart beating violently like thunder in his chest.

«Well, it may have escaped your notice, Lucius, but life isn't fair», he drawled as he turned his attention to the witch. «Stay away from her, Bella», he said as he tried to keep calm, knowing the witch loved to see drama.

Lucius pointed his wand to the baby, «what about this one, Severus?»

Snape's eyes wavered between the two, «what's the purpose of this?»

Bellatrix Lestrange squealed in happiness that he even bothered asking, her vicious squeal caused you to close your eyes, the sound almost as painful as her previous actions. «I've dreamt of seeing you suffer, my friend», she began as she calmed down into a eerie state of being, «all since you proved to be a scaredy-cat, a namby-pamby, betraying The Dark Lord when he needed your loyalty the most».

Pit of Snakes (Lucius, Draco, Snape x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now