16 • Bad Behaviour

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You'd walked down all the seven floors of the North Tower. Finding yourself next to Dumbledore you started worrying something bad could have happened to your parents. Why would the headmaster come for you unless it was very important? You had never really talked to him up close, at least not on your own. Attempting to match the old wizard's pace you came to the conclusion that he must've had longer legs than you, as keeping up was hard without slightly jogging. Dumbledore noticed and started walking slower.

«I'm sure you're wondering why I came to fetch you, Y/N», he said, looking over at you.

«Yes of course», you replied quickly.

«I'm afraid I cannot say, not yet», he said. You tried to read his facial expression for any answers, but it was impossible.

Since the headmaster didn't want to elaborate you weren't going to bug him into saying anything either. While following him all sorts of thoughts went through your mind.

«Did you know that only female mosquitoes bite, Y/N?», he asked, out of nowhere. Feeling more confused you looked at his face to see if he meant the comment as a joke.

«Uh, no», you replied. He seemed sincere.

«It's a peculiar thing, I think. If you look into it, more often than not the female is by nature more powerful than the male. But still it is, unfortunately, considered the weaker sex by so many», he continued, glancing over at you he shrugged his shoulders a little bit, though it was hardly visible as they were covered by his long grey hair and beard, «just a thought», he added.

Bewildered you looked at his face, wondering what the hell was going on. If he noticed at all, he didn't seem to want to explain. Looking ahead, you both kept walking.

Having walked for a bit, you realised you were heading for the Headmaster's Tower. Not feeling very surprised at all, you followed him silently, no questions asked. Stopping in front of a statue of a Gargoyle, however, you wanted to ask a few. Dumbledore only gave you a smile, «Sherbet Lemon», he said, his voice soft. Looking at him you felt confused, again. About to decline whatever he was offering you, you were startled to see the Gargoyle move. From behind it a circular staircase appeared, to which Dumbledore stepped upon.

With wide eyes you followed suit.

Walking into the room, that was also circular, you figured it was the Headmaster's office. You weren't given much time to admire and observe it when your eyes found Professor Snape and Mr. Malfoy. You instantly felt sick. Your Slytherin tie felt like it was tightening itself around your throat, and all the colour from your face withdrew. «Professor Snape», you remarked, bowing your head slightly, looking at the white haired one you did the same, «Mr. Malfoy». They both looked like they were allergic to life, their faces showing nothing but discontent. However, upon seeing you, you were sure you saw one side of Malfoy's mouth rise, as well as an eyebrow, exposing more of the white in his eye.

Dumbledore's voice broke the tension in the room, all eyes on him. «Miss Y/LN, I have brought you here on a serious matter. Before enganging the Ministry in this, I wanted your side of the story», he explained, looking at you over his glasses that sat on the edge of his nose. Looking at Mr. Malfoy you felt shivers go down your spine.

You swallowed and tried to hide the fact you were nothing but terrified.

«Okay, what is it?», you asked, linking your hands over your books on top of your abdomen. Professor Snape seemed to be eyeing you curiously.

«Mr. Malfoy has brought a concern to my attention», he started, gesturing towards the blonde haired man whose attitude beamed with arrogance. Listening carefully you watched the old wizard slowly walk around the three of you. «He has reasons to believe that there is something inappropriate happening between you and one of my staff», he stopped walking, observing your body language, challenging a reaction out of you.

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