13 • Hogwarts Express

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It was the morning of departure day. You woke up in your bed alone, again.

The day before Lucius had stayed with you. He had let you clean yourself up by having a shower on your own, while he waited in the room. When you'd gotten back out you'd felt a bit awkward, but appreciated the fact that he didn't just disappear. He didn't say much, but had embraced you in a hug that had felt out of character for him. Not that you complained. Still, he had taken that opportunity to remind you what you had said about being his. You remembered it vividly.

«I'll keep an eye on you», he'd said.

After that he had apparated out of the room you'd stayed in, leaving you stood there, your cheeks red and your thoughts going wild.

He drove you crazy. Made you confused. But most of all, you felt alive. And somehow, it only made you want more. Especially after that.

You had joined the others by the bonfire later that day. No one had questioned your absence, as Jade had explained how you'd slept badly and gotten up early. Draco never made eye contact with you, and had sat close to the fire with Pansy between his legs, leaning against his chest. The vibe had been different, but not because of you. It was the last night of summer, before you would all leave for school.


The house elves helped you bring your trunk down to the main entrance at the manor. You were the first one ready. Dressed in your Slytherin uniform you felt a warmth in you, like you were home. After nearly seven years at Hogwarts it very much felt like home.

Thanking the house elves a tall figure looked at you from the hallway. You met his eyes and gave him a smile. Lucius had his hair tied back in a low ponytail, and was dressed in all black. You figured he was getting ready to meet with the Ministry and Dumbledore for the first day of school.

He didn't smile back, and walked away when he heard footsteps approaching. Jade and Theodore came down the stairs hand in hand. The sight of them made you grin. «Look at the two of you», you pointed out. Jade stuck her tongue out, letting Theodore go. He sat down by his trunk.

Crabbe and Goyle came walking down the stairs too, laughing amongst each other. Right behind came Draco, muttering, slapping them across the back of their heads.

«What's up, Draco?», Theodore asked slowly. He looked up at them. Crabbe and Goyle rolled their eyes.

«These idiots let the windows open in their room all night, so my owl left and hasn't come back», Draco grunted.

«Why was your owl in their room?», Jade asked, curiously.

«It screeches too much, I can't stand the noise», he admitted. Not seeing what was wrong about it. Jade rolled her eyes too. Theodore chuckled, shaking his head.

Pansy, Blaise and Pike came last. Pansy's face lit up at the sight of Draco. She ran over to him and kissed him on the cheek. You didn't know you were staring until Draco met your gaze. Quickly looking away you tugged on your skirt, pretending to be adjusting it.

I don't know if I even should be looking into your eyes Draco.

«Well, let's get going then», Theodore muttered, grabbing Jade's hand.


You had found an empty compartment with Jade, Theodore and Pike. Relieved, you were happy not to share one with Draco.

Shuffling a bit in your seat you found it uncomfortable to sit, and decided to get up and walk for a bit. Walking through the surprisingly empty corridors of the train, you stopped by the candy trolley. You bought a strawberry lollipop and kept walking.

Strolling by a compartment you stopped as you noticed Harry Potter, Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger sat there deep in conversation. Looking at them you found it fascinating how they were even friends. They were all so different. Then the sound of a familiar voice caught your attention. You opened the lollipop and dropped its wrapping on the floor, walking towards the voice.

With his back to you you recognised the man as Professor Snape, your head of house, and Potions Master. Happy to see it was the man you thought it was you walked over and poked his shoulder, putting the lollipop in your mouth. Snape looked over, annoyance spread across his face, expecting to see miss Granger asking questions. His expression milder when he saw it was you.

«Miss Y/LN, I expect you to be prepared for Advanced Potions this year», he said, his voice monotone.

You pulled the lollipop out of your mouth and smiled. «I am, I read most of the summer», you beamed.

Snape was about to reply, but was interrupted.

«What a good girl», you heard a voice coming from the compartment Snape was stood in the door frame of. Looking past your professor you saw a long haired man stare back at you, his walking stick resting on his lap. Next to him sat representatives of the Ministry. None of which you knew. Snape looked at him and back at you. You froze.

«We will see», Snape said slowly.

«Sure», you said quietly and was about to walk away when the long haired Malfoy spoke again.

«Why are you not in your compartment, young lady? I'm sure your parents must have told you about the heightened security. Wandering the train isn't prohibited this year», he said, narrowing his eyes at you.

You put your lollipop in your mouth and thought about your reply for a second. Pulling it out again, Lucius seemed awfully interested in your lips, not taking his eyes off them.

«They did. But I didn't know walking wasn't allowed», you started, giving your professor an apologetic look. Your parents had nothing to do with it how you knew, but you played along. Looking over at Lucius you tried to sound as innocent as you could muster, «I apologize. My seat just wasn't comfortable today. I much prefer standing». Lucius' face fell as he struggled to keep his stern mask on. You smirked, putting your lollipop back into your mouth, and started walking back to your friends.


Back in your compartment the boys had fallen asleep. Jade sat there looking out the window, her green eyes following the landscape.

«Do you know what you'll do once this year is over?», she asked, to your surprise.

«When did you start worrying about anything?», you asked, throwing away the lollipop stick. Sitting opposite her by the window.

«It's not that I never worry, I just don't say it out loud», she admitted, forcing a smile.

«Well, I don't know Jade, I really have no idea», you said. Telling the truth you felt your heart sink. Internally wishing you had it all figured out. The entire career path and life in general.

«Me neither. I know my parents would like for me to be an auror, but I don't know if I want to», she said, looking at you.

«Anything you'd rather do?», you asked, curiously.

«I'd like to tend magical creatures, I just don't know how I'd go about it», she sighed. «And Theodore said it'll be hard to make a career out of it», she added.

«What does he know?», you huffed, only to recieve a glare from her. «I'm just saying there's probably people out there with more knowledge than him», you corrected yourself.

She nodded in agreement. «Maybe», she said quietly. Then her sad expression turned into a huge grin, her face beaming. «Or I'll just go straight for Fudge's job! Could you imagine? Me? The Minister for Magic?», she exclaimed, holding her hand to her chest, pleased with herself. Laughing, you were glad to see her go back to her normal self.

«I see it», you said, «I definitely do».

Pit of Snakes (Lucius, Draco, Snape x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now