69 • The Police

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The blinding lights of the muggle vehicle behind you made Snape slow down and stop the car.

«Why are you stopping?», you asked. Not that you didn't mind, as you would've chosen something else to travel by if you could, but at this moment you just wanted to get there. This would only slow down the process.

«The people in the other car are the police, as far as I'm concerned», he drawled and began panicking and opening things inside the car. He even reached between your legs to open a smaller compartment.

«Slow down, boy», you giggled. He huffed and rolled his eyes. He didn't have time for jokes. You cleared your throat, «okay, uh, so what's the police

He glared at you for a moment, before quickly looking into his mirrors. The people he'd called the police had also stopped their car, the alarm stopping as well, but the lights kept blazing. «It's like a muggle auror of some sort, but these also track vehicles it seems», he muttered as he failed in finding whatever he was looking for.

«Did they want you to stop? Why? What are you looking for?», you asked, your curiousity peaking.

«Could you be quiet just for a short moment? I can't think», he said, stress evident in his tone. He noticed people walking up to his window.

«Why are you stressed? I thought your dad taught you how to use this thing?», you crossed your arms over your chest, a tiny bit offended by his tone.

«It seems he forgot this part», he paused, «I know they want papers but I don't know what or where they are».

«I have some parchment in my trunk, and a sketching pad, does that help?», you asked and raised your eyebrows, hoping it would help ease his mind.

He chuckled, «did you think they want to draw me a picture?»

Furrowing your eyebrows your smile disappeared into a thin line, «fine, just be mean. I was just trying to help».

The dark haired wizard sighed and rolled down his window as the woman dressed in some sort of uniform knocked on it. You glared at her by the side of your eye.

«Good evening», she said and nodded at Snape. She bent further down to look at you and she smiled, you faked one back.

«Good evening», Snape replied. The woman seemed surprised by the sound of his voice, and you swore you saw something change in her eyes.

«Licence and registration please», she said as she looked into his eyes, she had a thick northern accent. You noticed she checked him out, her eyes wandering over his black clothing. Looking at him you found him to be slightly flushed.

Snape swallowed nervously, «I appear to have forgotten those at home», he lied. The lady was leaning against the window and glanced at you quickly.

«Is that so?», she asked, «where are the two of you heading, then?»

«That is not your business is it?», you sneered as you crossed your legs.

«Home», Snape replied.

The lady raised an eyebrow, seemingly surprised by your rude reply. She turned her attention back to Severus and looked over his shoulder to see the baby in the car-seat.

«Single father? That's a hard life», she pointed out, «my brother is too, he complains a lot».

«Uh», Snape didn't know what to say, but felt your burning glare to the side of his face, «sorry about your brother. I am not, though».

«Oh», she replied as she looked at his lips and back up at his eyes, «how unfortunate». Your jaw dropped, and your head began to boil.

«May we continue our journey?», Snape asked as he spoke slow like always.

Pit of Snakes (Lucius, Draco, Snape x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now