65 • Potions Master

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A week had passed, and you had not spoken since the meeting with the Ministry.

You had avoided him by hiding in the library, doing your best to focus on your upcoming exams. And you'd decided to skip his classes. Additionally, you had asked Hagrid to bring you food to your room, like he did in the beginning of the semester. When he asked why, you'd said you weren't feeling well. He'd gladly obliged and Scarlet was excited to see him every time.

Though it looked like you were doing okay, you'd cried yourself to sleep the first few nights. And you'd hidden your necklace and the ring in a box in your bathroom.

It wasn't over. You were both just too stubborn to make the first move.

Unknown to you Snape hadn't been sleeping, and he hadn't been talking much. In his classes he had instructed everyone to read while he sat by his desk in silence, and if he heard any type of noise he would deduct points in a heartbeat. Some days he would simply stare at the door, hoping to see you walk in.

Students whispered in the corridors about his sudden change, even after Headmaster Dumbledore had announced that the Ministry had ended his case. It had been classified as a rumour with no clear evidence. Dumbledore therefore forbid any further discussion.

Snape had been relieved to hear the result, but said nothing.

Early monday morning Professor McGonagall had entered his office, after having recieved one too many complaints about his temper in class.

«What's going on?», she asked and crossed her arms over her chest.

«I'm attempting to grade this insolent student's work. He seems to have been sleeping in all my classes thinking-»

«That is not what I'm asking», she pointed out. He put down his quill and looked up at his friend.

«You may leave», he drawled.

«I heard you had a meeting with-»

«I said», his face was emotionless, «you may leave».

«Severus, stop this nonsense, you're being more childish than my first years», she huffed.

«I don't want to talk», he stood up and began guiding McGonagall towards the door.

«What is this? I haven't seen you like this since she left. Did you fight?»

«Are you deaf?», he growled.

«Certainly not. I'm trying to be a friend, and as your colleague I came due to the many students' comments. Are you trying to gain a new rumour or what?»

«Leave», he said slowly and finally managed to guide her out of his office and closed the door on her. Fuming, he waved his arms dramatically to lock the door.

It hadn't taken Snape long the past week to figure out you'd taken the necklace off. Neither did it take him a long time to realise you were doing your best at avoiding him, as he had seen nothing of you or Scarlet at all. Though he could've had he purposely looked for you, as he knew exactly where your chambers were, and where Scarlet is during the day.

Instead he spent his time sulking in his own darkness, knowing he had been both rude and unfair towards you. But he felt hurt too by your last comment, and didn't know how to even begin a conversation with you about it.


You were reading in the library when Professor McGonagall came to find you.

«Miss Y/LN», she greeted you, «Mr. Malfoy told me I would find you here. Would you care to follow me for a moment?»

Pit of Snakes (Lucius, Draco, Snape x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now