Bonus • At Last

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A/N: So I never got around to answer a question about what would be the perfect song for Y/N and Severus Snape in this story. So I just wanted to share the song I always imagined for their first dance at their wedding.

At last by Etta James

And if any of you are listening to it right now, imagine their smiling faces.

«What's that smile, Mrs. Prince?», Snape purred in a whisper as you stared into each other's eyes, admiring the other.

You giggled lightly, «still can't get over the fact you've warmed up to the muggle music, Mr. Prince».

Snape moved the two of you elegantly over the dancefloor, and for a second you forgot completely how there were many curious and loving eyes watching you dance.

«As I said, they are good with words. Painstakingly so», he said and rolled his eyes by the way your amused smirk turned into another giggle.

«So soft», you teased, still unable to wipe the smirk away.

Snape stopped and gently dipped you down. You stopped breathing then. His black eyes basked in the pool of yours.

«Only for you, darling», he whispered, before he placed a kiss on your lips.

Pit of Snakes (Lucius, Draco, Snape x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now