56 • Feral Beast

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Having to cooperate with Remus Lupin and Lucius Malfoy made Severus Snape quite agitated.

Especially the white haired one wasn't someone he wanted to work with. But he didn't have much of a choice.

When the two professors successfully arrived at the Manor, the black haired one was uncomfortable and extra pissed off by the remembrance of his previous visit.

In the large living room of the Manor stood Narcissa and Lucious Malfoy next to a crib. Remus Lupin greeted them politely, «it's been a long time, Narcissa», he added. He knew nothing of Lucius recent actions towards you. Or past, for that matter. Snape said nothing, but nodded at Narcissa, acknowledging her existence.

«So, this child is Bella's?», Lupin asked as he studied the sleeping toddler. The little girl had light silvery locks and looked rather peaceful, which was a huge contrast to the people whose genetics she carried.

«Yes», Narcissa replied and smiled, «though I have raised her since the war. In a way I'd rather say she is mine».

«So why use the child as bait? There is a chance you'll never see her again, that is if your sister do not forgive you for going against her», he was holding his hands behind his back as he kept looking at the child.

«My deal with the Ministry has been made to protect the ones closest to me. My husband, my son and now her. The child, as you say, is bait because I know my sister well enough to know she will indeed take it. But I have no intentions of giving her the child, and the Ministry has no intentions of letting Bella have her, nor let her walk free», she explained, «so, judge me all you want, but it's my sister in exchange for my husband and the girl».

Lupin looked up at Mrs. Malfoy, «and knowing the father of the child they are still okay with you having her?»

Narcissa furrowed her eyebrows, boiling on the inside she tried to keep her cool, «excuse me, Remus, but are you suggesting the child should be punished for who her parents are? Which is completely out of her control?»

«I never mentioned anything about any punishment», Lupin replied and cleared his throat awkwardly. Snape and Lucius watched the conversation unfold without saying a word. In his mind, using his occlumens of course, Snape was busy burning Lucius alive. From the outside he was calm, collected, but portraying his usual look of rebuke and distate.

«So what are you saying the Ministry should have done? Isn't the child's best interest the best option? I am her aunt, and I love her», Narcissa huffed.

«Forgive me if my words hurt you, Narcissa, I assure you I am not in favour of punishing a child for something they cannot control. With my lychantrophy I know a thing or two about that. Though I'd never encourage punishing children at all. Also, I find it necessary to point out - like you just did - that we are also family. Despite our differences, Narcissa, you would find that Tonks and myself want the same as you», he said, «with that said, I only asked out of curiousity. It doesn't matter what we want if the Ministry found it too dangerous to let the daughter of Tom Riddle and Bellatrix Lestrange be running about».

Narcissa sighed and smiled as she let a single finger stroke the cheek of the precious child, «I made it clear what is best for her, and the fact that we didn't keep it a secret from them must be enough», she said, «her name is Delphini, by the way».

«Beautiful», Remus replied and found it best to rest his case.

The female Malfoy glanced over at Snape for a second, «I heard you're a father, Severus», she smiled. Snape looked at her, but said nothing, so she spoke again, «they're about the same age, they should have a playdate sometime», she suggested. If it wasn't for the minimal movement of a curve at the side of his lips, Narcissa would've thought he wasn't listening at all.

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