75 • Black Cake

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A/N: Who's excited for Hogwarts Legacy? I am.

Smut ahead.


«Go on, read it», Snape said, wrapping his arms around his daughter.

You pulled the letter fully out of the envelope.

Dear Y/N,

When you read this I'm free. Thanks to you.
He made that very clear.

I can't believe you and the dungeon bat. We have a lot to talk about. I can't wait to see you.
And your daughter.

For now I have to rest, but I am okay.
He told me you'd worried.
You needn't.

See you soon.

Blaise Zabini.

You looked at Snape with tears blurrying your view, «you really did it?»

«Yes», he replied in a drawl.


«Dumbledore and I pulled some strings. The Ministry needed some convincing. The boy is safe at home with his mother», he said.

«I can't believe it», you said quietly, a tear finally rolling down your cheek. You flung your arms around his neck, making sure not to crush the toddler in the process, «thank you so much».

He smiled weakly, «it's thanks to you».

«It was the right thing to do, I know it in my heart he never willingly wanted to be a death eater», you replied, «I don't care what either of you had to do to earn that place».

Snape sighed, «he's very grateful. You'll see him soon enough».

You pulled away and wiped the tears away from your face. «Will you please stay this evening? Scarlet's missed you».

He reached out to caress your cheek, «sure».

«Really?», you asked.

He chuckled, «why would I lie?»

At the lack of a better answer you leaned in to kiss him, he was startled for a second, but soon enough melted into it. Scarlet giggled as she pushed her head inbetween your chests, making you smile into the kiss.

«I missed your lips», he said as you pulled apart.

«Only my lips?», you challenged, making him arch his eyebrow.

«I also miss other parts too inappropriate for me to list at this moment», he said and smiled to Scarlet who was clutching to the both of you by now.

You laughed and lifted Scarlet, forcing her to let go of the both of you. She whined in protest. «Now that your dada is here, he's going to have to help me bathe you, little monkey», you said, looking at Snape for a reaction. He nodded.

«I'll help».


You'd let Snape do the honours of putting the rascal to bed. She was basically glued to his side anyway, and didn't give you much attention now that he was here. It warmed your heart to see her so attentive, and you were sure it got to him as well by the way he was smiling.

Pit of Snakes (Lucius, Draco, Snape x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now