57 • Deep Connection

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Smut ahead.


Professor Snape looked at you with lust in his eyes. Never had he imagined you would want to switch roles, nor did he think he would ever let you do so.

You looked down at him and leaned towards his face to whisper in his ear, «you're going to obey me now».

He chuckled lightly, still in denial you'd be able to slip into the dom figure. It was just too obvious you were the submissive type.

«You think you can keep me down?», he drawled. His husky voice made your body tingle.

«No», you began, «I know I can».

It didn't take long after those words left your mouth till Snape had you pinned to the mattress again, on all fours he held you down, with a smug grin on his face. «What did you say, darling?», he whispered as you squirmed in his grasp.

You didn't reply. Instead you smirked at the man above you and started sending him mental images and sexual descriptions of how you'd suck him off. It distracted him a little as he furrowed his eyebrows, his grip on your arms got looser due to this and you slipped an arm out to grab your wand. Pointing it to his neck you pressed your tongue to the inside of your cheek and raised your eyebrows at him while smiling smugly, «let me go», you whispered.

«Impressive», he drawled and did as you said.

«Lay down», you demanded, and he did so too, with an amused grin on his face.

He pulled you down on top of him, his now hard cock pressed to your clothed crotch. You closed your eyes at the feeling and clenched your jaw, «I didn't tell you to move, Severus», you said.

«My apologies», he said slowly and sarcastically as he bucked his hips up towards you.

You blew air out of your nose in a huff and pointed your wand at him again, «incarcerous», you said. Suddenly his hands were tied up to the headboard.

«I see you did learn something», he drawled and yanked his arms instinctively.

You chuckled, «yes», you replied and stood up. Pulling away the duvet you admired how you actually had your professor tied to your bed, completely naked. Seeing as you were wearing your pyjamas you were still clothed, but it didn't stop him for eyeing your body.

He had his hair in his face and gently shook his head to get it out of the way. «I missed you», he said as his eyes found yours. You sniggered.

«Look at you, so soft now. Where's the Professor Snape everyone is so afraid of?», you asked, and to your surprised he rolled his eyes.

When he didn't reply you put your wand down and turned your back to him. He yanked his arms again, but the spell worked as good on him as it had done to you two years ago.

You slowly pulled your pyjama top over your head, revealing your bare back as you had no bra on. Snape watched you intently and his cock twitched the second you slid your shorts down. He enjoyed the sight of your round bum.

«You're going to have to be quiet», you said as you now pulled your panties down, and stepped out of them.

«You're the one who makes all the noise», his lustful and deep voice spoke, only reminding himself of the sounds you make - making himself more aroused than he already was.

When you turned around to face him he stared at your body as if for the first time. He yanked his arms again, as all he wanted was to grab you and fuck you senseless.

«Do you like what you see, Professor

He didn't reply.

«Answer me», you whispered as you walked closer. His eyes were fixated on your breasts, but soon they diverted down to your naked pussy. His breathing turned heavier and his cock seemed desperate to be touched.

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