Chapter 3

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Dear readers.....

I don't know what's the problem with u all....if u can't give me some appreciation for my writing and my efforts then u all have no rights to ask for regular updates....

I am fed up of u all. From now there will be goals and the updates will come only of the goals are completed or else no update. And after that also if u are not ready to complete the goals i will gladly put the book on hold or better discontinue it and i will enjoy let's see if u all complete this goals....

All the chapters are above 2000 i really need some appreciation in return....

50 votes and 50 comments in this chap

50 votes and 40 comments in the previous chapter....

Siddharth was sitting on the bed crying for so long that his tears dried up from his eyes. He was tired of crying and now only some of his sniffles were heard in the small room. He was looking blankly at the dark coloured wall to his opposite. His mind was a chaos but nothing seemed to give him a clear picture that what's happening with him...and why he is in this situation....everything he could concluded was he is kidnapped and kept locked in small dark room even without a chance to know if it's day or night....

He looked around the room. He must do something that he can get out of here. He searched for something that will be useful for him. But the room had nothing other than the bed he was sitting, a side table all drawers locked and a small light which gave a small amount of light so he will not trip on something while walking. He didnt knew that he is been watched through the CCTV camera which is fixed at the high end corner of the room.

Not getting anything in the room he stood up and felt dizzy. After composing himself he slowly walked towards the another door which he presumed to be the washroom. He was right when he opened the door. He searched the cabinets....but his bad luck...nothing was there...not even a mirror....forget about any other sharp tools like razor blades....

He got frustrated not finding anything and decided to wash his face as he was really exhausted. He splashed the water to his face and then touched his bandage on the head. He could feel the cut was not small. He remembered how she hit him hard in the washroom and it sent a shiver down his body. He was glad that atleast they were kind enough to bandage it.

He came out of the washroom and sat on the bed dejected and stared at the cold floor. He lost his track of time. The room didn't had any sort of small way to let know about whether  it's day or night...not even any kind of sound was heard from outside....

Sid: he must hate me now.....he said to himself thinking about his father. His feelings were suffocating him in that already suffocating room. He hugged his knees and hid his head in his arms and sat for how long god knows.....

After sometime the sound of door unlocking was heard and he quickly stood up and in a defensive manner.

The door opened and an unfamiliar man came in with a tray of food. Sid was just looking at him. He came put the tray on the bed near sid.

Gaurd: Eat....he said just a word and turned to go.

Sid came out of his trance and realised the door was open and the man was going back.

Sid: no no....he said and pushed him aside and ran towards the door.

Gua: HEY STOP......he shouted going behind him.

Sid didn't heard anything. Everything in his mind was to get away from there. When he stepped out of the room with hope of escaping two men grabbed him even before he could go completely out of the room. Sid struggled to get free when they forced him back into the room and literally threw him on the bed.

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