Chapter 32

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Avneet: Call me Avneet....AVNEET KAUR NANDRA.....

Words ringed in the ears of both Nigams...One shaking with fear for his life while the other too much shocked to even realise that his hands were losing grip.

Amir: N..nandra..he stuttered out while standing on his shaking legs... eyes never leaving the face of women, who was looking like a black wolf....ready to pounce and tear him apart.

Avneet: yes..nandra... the only Nandra who survived years ago.....she seethed as she slammed her fist against table once more and turned a bit to show her face... without mask.

Siddharth gasped loudly when he saw
same Avneet... hissing in anger while
moving her fingers through her black
hairs in anger ... He could see same Avneet who tortured him that day... same Avneet... who kidnapped him.

He was too much shocked that he didn't noticed when his car keys slipped away from his other hand and fell on the floor with slight click. The voice was enough to catch attention of all other humans in vicinity due to pin drop silence of the moment.

Sid: N- mumbled in
complete horror.

Avneet quickly turned back completely and saw none other than
Siddharth standing there with wide
eyes... shaking hands and look of clear on his face.

A look of panick crossed Avneet's
face when her eyes met with those
horrified hazel brown ones. The same
moment, sid realized the attention he got as he also heard some coming footsteps.

In great haste..he quickly ducked down to grab his car keys and turned back on his shaky legs to disappear from the site as soon as possible.

Jackson was about to catch him
but sid was fast. Avneet also rushed out of the office and saw disappearing boy at a distance. She gestured Jackson to follow him as she himself turned back to finish her business.

Amir stand there with sweaty
forehead and kind of spaced out look.

Amir: kidnapped him....he muttered and Avneet scoffed on that.

Avneet: Just because of YOU.. I HURT
HIM BECAUSE OF YOU MONSTER...she yelled as she lost her temper and launched forward to punch Amir right on his gut.

She couldn't control anymore, not after seeing the condition of Siddharth...those fear filled eyes.. those shaking hands..she just couldn't.

Avneet: i did something that he never
deserved.. BECAUSE OF YOU....she yelled with an another punch..

Avneet: He was already suffering from your presence and i added more to it...her fists continuously collided with stomach of other... without any mercy.

Amir groaned in pain but couldn't
defend himself from all the punches.

A little pant left her lips when she
finally let go of Amir's kind of
limp body... no apparent bruises but
definitely broken as hell. Amir fell on
the floor on his back as he clutched
over his stomach.

Avneet leaned over his body as she
pressed her high heels on the limp hand of him receiving a satisfactory response in form of grunts and groans of pain....she started to speak...

Avneet: You ruined much Amir..... my childhood.. my whole life..she stopped as she pressed more over the hand.. a loud scream echoed in the office.

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