Chapter 21

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CEO: Call siddharth nigam ordered rather than telling.

Amir gave annoyed look at her but seeing that she was not gonna back down and also the dominating aura around made him huff. Sighing in annoyed tone he pressed the button of the intercom on his table to call Sid's secretary.

Amir: tell siddharth to come to the meeting room....he said and cut the call looking at the CEO.

Amir: he is coming....he informed.

Ms. Raichand aka Avneet Kaur took the mask from the table and put it on back...

So u may think how did Avneet Kaur is here as Ms. Raichand...the one who helped Avneet back in her childhood was not just a thug or a goon, he was great mafia of that time...he owned a biggest company in Mumbai named Raichand enterprises...his name was Arush raichand and he transferred all his assets and his mafia postion to Avneet as he didn't had any children.

Avneet looked after him in his old age and she also didn't changed the name of the company...she even changed her name as Avina Raichand. She was great full for him for the things Arush did to her. She was called as Ms. Raichand in the business world and that's the reason why Amir couldn't recognise her or doubt over her name.

Amir gave a confused and suspicious look at Avneet as she but the mask back on. Avneet was quick to judge his gaze and felt annoyance.

Avneet: i am having a bit of flu....she said and her gaze again went to the door. She was waiting impatiently for the boy to enter the door...

She could feel her heart beating so fast...

Avu: he might look more handsome and breathtaking away from that hellhole...she thought to herself and in that right moment the door was opened slowly by a hand on the door knob and a figure entered the room.

Avneet felt she forgot to breathe for a whole minute when she saw Siddharth slowly coming towards the table with a confusion on his face visible.

Siddharth came to the table and slightly smiled at the persons present before him. He smilingly greeted them. Jackson smiled widely looking at him. He felt his secret of being a gay would come out after seeing sid.

Jack: damn...he is so damn hot....he thought to himself and tried to calm himself.

But he felt a shiver ran down to his spine when he saw Avneet....when her gaze was drilling a hole into Sid's body...who was standing in front of her. He also noticed how Avneet was clutching on the table her knuckles turning white...

Siddharth felt more uncomfortable when he didn't got the response from the other person in the room...the CEO...he was already informed that the CEO of Raichand enterprise is coming...

Sid slowly made his eyes to face the CEO and looked at her face. He immediately felt he was going weak on his knees when he saw her piercing gaze on him...he was still looking at her and he visibly gulped at the aura of her...he felt that the eyes of that CEO to be so familiar yet it was unfamiliar....

Amir frowned on the way CEO was staring at siddharth. In his mind he was blaming sid for that....he cleared his throat to end the awkward situation.

On the annoying voice of Amir, Avneet came out of her thoughts and realised she was making sid so uncomfortable with her staring. She felt bad that she couldnt help her awfulness and she scared him...that was what she saw in his eyes...fear..

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