Chapter 9

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12 years ago....

Avneet was jumping in joy as she is going become a elder sister. She was living in London all these days with her grandparents as her parents were busy in settling their business disputes in Mumbai. Now everything was sorted out and their business has been growing constantly and making its way to the top.

But a tragic happened that her grandparents met with an accident and didn't make it out...Avneet was so close with them that she was so sad. She was back in Mumbai with her parents. She got scared when her mom suddenly fainted.

But the good news made the whole family to jump in happiness. Especially Avneet. She was on cloud nine when she got to know that she is going to get a sibling.

AM: ok Avu....what do u want to do this weekend .....she asked giving her fav sweets.

Avu: what about we go to our beach house this's been so long...

Her mom nodded her head in agreement. They really need a family outing and to make their daughter happy after losing her grandparents they have to have a family time together.

Avneet was jumping again in happiness when AD entered the house with his old friend Amir who is a friend of him from last 2 years...they are sharing the same business.

After the evening snack time they decided to go to their beach house for the weekend. Amir proposed to join the trip. AD asked to get Amir's son also on the trip but he denied with some excuses...AD knew that Amir has a son but he was never introduced to him. And they reached the beach house on the desired day.

The sun was doing its work perfectly and the family was cherishing their happy time. The dad-daughter duo was playing on the sand. Her mother was clicking pictures. She smiled at the father and daughter. Then she gently put her hand her stomach...

AM: soon u will also join them baccha....she said caressing her unborn child.

AD: Avu....come on baccha catch it....he said throwing the ball. But it went in the wrong direction.

Avu: papa.....she whined and looked at the ball which has went far

AM: it's ok baccha...go and get it....she said coming to them. AD put his arms around her pulling closer.

Avu pouted and went in the way of the ball went. She smiled at the sight of her father hugging her mother. She took the ball but thought to give her parents a some time and waited near the tent which was little far away from the beach.

Avneet was smiling at her parents hugging and kissing each other. She was beyond happy having  a happy family.

But that happy moment was interrupted when a black car stopped at the back of the house and two guys came out with masks on their face. Avneet got scared as those men were having guns in their hands and they were marching towards her parents.

She thought to go to them but the silence of the beach came to end when there was a series of gunshots and the sound of two bodies falling on the ground with blood.

Avneet got scared and suppressed her sound. Tears were rolling down non stop looking at her parents trembling in pain on the ground.

Man1: i asked u in a simple way Aman....but u asked for this ...Avneet heard a familiar voice and gasped seeing Amir taking off the mask. At the same time her parents showed no movement indication of lifeless bodies ...

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