Chapter 4

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Dear readers....

The chapter is here because many of u was asking for it.....but don't take me for granted as i updated now....the next chapter will be will even start to write only after the target is if u want me to write the next chap complete the target....and if i see comments like amazing, super, post next chapter soon and all....i will delete the comment then and from now its u guys who are gonna decide that whether i am gonna continue this book or not ....

Complete the previous chaps target too....

Target for the next chapter

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It's not that much hard to hit the start do it....

Siddharth was lying on the bed staring at the ceiling. His mind was still a chaos. He just assumed that the time is flying away fastly as the plates of the foods are being changed time to time. Even he was given a good food he didn't touched it as he was afraid that it would have some drugs mixed in.

Sid(in mind):  why these mafias are behind dad...? What did he do to make them mad?

This was the questions which were roaming in his mind all the time. He tried his every memory to remember something bad that his father would have done. But everything got a dead end. According to him, the only bad thing his father did was to not to love him as his son.

Siddharth felt his eyes drooping. He was becoming weak with the time but he couldn't show it to others giving the satisfaction of getting hurt in a emotional way. So he was keeping himself stubborn. But for how long....he don't know but he will try...his best.

Siddharth sighed and looked at the food tray which was placed some minutes ago. He came to a conclusion that it was night as the specific choice of food was given to him at specific timing and according to the Chole bhature kept in front of him, it's his dinner and it was the time to sleep.

With that thoughts he let his eyes to close and soon sleep engulfed him as he was weak.

Avu: Why the hell did u do that.....she asked in a harsh tone to Maya who was standing with her arms crossed leaning on the sofa.

Faisu just rolled his eyes at Avu's question but Vaishnavi was fuming inside because somewhere she was having a soft spot for siddharth from the time she saw him bleeding in the jet.

Maya: he was so annoying.....also he pushed me down....she said in a bored tone like what she did was nothing....

Vaishnavi looked at Maya like she is going to kill her there itself. The only reason she is tolerating her is because once she saved Avneet's life from a danger by almost giving her life. That was the thing that made Avu to give much importance to Maya even if she was just a body guard.

Vaish: you were trying to touch him in a bad way Maya....don't u expect a small act in his defense......she asked shooting daggers at her.

Fai: the end he had to be hurt...then what's wrong in it.....he rolled his eyes at the concern vaishu was giving to sid but his words made something to Avu that hurting sid in that way was making her uncomfortable. But thats what the plan break him...emotionally....

Avu: but not now.....don't do it again....not till i say so....

Maya just rolled her eyes mentally but nodded in yes.

Fai: ok now what's the next step.....he asked when Avu put the paper she was going through down and looked at him.

Avu: let him be....i heard that he is suffering the way i wanted....the image he built all these years are shattering before his eyes....she said smirking thinking about her first and foremost enemy....

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