Chapter 38

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Within 24 to 48 hours....

All seems like a dream to him... he felt
the warmth spreading in his body as
she was continuously pressing her
lips over his palms, mumbling same
words over and over again.

Apologies were leaving her lips like soft breathes, without any break, without any second thought.

But the single word caught him totally
off guard when she clearly stated


Sid stopped himself from making any
kind of sound and let the mafia queen to ramble about all of her feelings.

Avneet: I love you so much that it hurts me now. The distance is so much hurtful for my heart Sid.....a sob choked out as she pressed her forehead on the hand of him....

Avneet: I know...i am too much selfish to say it out like that...but i wish you to believe in the sincerity of my love for you....she pulled away from the hand and wiped her tears once again.

Avneet:I even don't know the way you
would feel about me. In fact, you must
hate me now after w..what i did to
you....a sad chuckle left her lips. The
unforgettable regret rolling on in her

Siddharth felt his heartbeat was racing but he also felt hurt on the last words. His brain also gave him the view of those torturous days. Both minds busy with the brutality of
their fate as their hearts were beating
rapidly on the soft touch, warmth
exchanging through their palms.

Once Faisu informed jan about
Sid and the whole thing....she
practically begged for meeting the him. It was only Faisu to somehow
calm her in the situation.

After calming and assuring the safety
of sid to her... Faisu was finally back to his office eyes fixed on the screen as he was waiting for certain name to pop up.

He was going through all the flight
schedules and booked seats.

Fai: Oh god.   where are you hiding you rat....he muttered, definitely pissed on the long wait. He was exhausted since last night and now he was missing his soft mattress and pillow.

Fai: Come out.. come out.....he mumbled eyes moving on the list of all names and I'Ds. Suddenly his eyes brightened in happiness as he spotted the certain ID number and name. A smirk plastered on his face and he quickly dialed the number of his allies saying them to get ready for the mission.

Fai: Gotcha... .

Avneet finally stopped crying after
seems like an hour. She was silently
sniffing after seconds. Hands still
attached to his as she softly played
with those fingers.

Sid was silently laying on the
bed, not even able to open his eyes,
to much afraid to see the broken eyes
and sad expressions of  her. So, he
let her be the way she was. Afterall, he
did enjoyed the touch on his skin. The
affection, the gentleness, the care..
the things he craved for years, how he
could reject those...

Suddenly the moment was interrupted as someone entered the room after a soft knock on the door.

Man: queen....We got him.....the happiness was clear in those words and the next moment he felt Avneet grip losses over his hands and next he heard some shuffling. He was sure that she practically ran away from the room. The situation was so awkward for him. One moment she was crying like a baby, and in next moment... well she was back as Mafia queen...

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