Chapter 20

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In AK mansion....

Avneet was silently going through the message she got from Jackson with the picture of the document attached.
A smirk spread on her lips when she saw the signature of Amir nigam. Her phone started ringing.

Jack: how is that Ms. Kaur....we got that ....he asked enthusiastically while she chuckled...

Avu: good job Jackson...

Jack: thank u...and yeah that Nigam was asking about the owner of the company...i just waved it off for the moment...and also his sons shares are not included in the deal like u said....he informed.

Avu: oh...fine then....i will grant his wish soon...anyway ..good job Jackson....she said and cut the call. She immediately drowned in the pool of emotions on the mention of Siddharth.

Avu: i miss u a lot Arth....she mumbled opening the file she got about Sid's childhood. The picture of smiling boy with no worries in the world the pure smile devoid of any kind of pain was filled in her eyes...but in reality that smile hide the ocean of pain....

Avu:  i am sorry for hurting u....but i promise this time i will give u so much love that u will fell for me....she said smiling at his picture thinking about having him beside her as hers...

Nigam mansion....

Siddharth was sitting in his room. He was still recalling about the strange meating and the  deal.

Sid: who in the world will give 70 % of the profit to the partners...he asked to himself in disbelief and at the same time feeling bad as his father didnt consulted him.

It wasn't like he cared for his father's business..just for the assets that belong to Avneet. Deep down he just wanted to return the business to her afterall it was her father's money which his father used to develop this empire.

He shrugged of his thoughts and went to the kitchen to have some chocolate milkshake his all time favourite. His kaka smiled at him.

Kaka: do u want something siddharth sir....he asked to which sid made a face. He hated them to call him as sir but his father has made it rule.

Sid: usual thing kaka...

Kaka: chocolate milkshake....he asked to which sid nodded his head and took a seat on the dining chair.

Suddenly he got remembered something and he got nervous about it. He licked his lips to keep himself hydrated.

Sid: kaka...did..did Rashika came to meet dad..when..i..i was...he stammered at last not finding what to say...

Kaka's smile faded and he smiled and nodded slowly...

Kaka: she came few times...he replied.

After a moment kaka placed the milkshake before him..he grabbed it and stood up to go back to his room when kaka stopped him hesitantly...

Kaka: siddharth bacha...can I ask u something....he asked hesitantly again and Sid nodded in yes.

Kaka: wh...who kidnapped you....he asked nervously and stood looking at him. Sid froze on his spot hearing his question. Kaka saw him going pale took a step back.

Kaka: d..don't need to answer baccha...i am so sorry...sorry..i know it must be difficult for u...i know it must be hard for u to forget...i was so worried about u...the way u returned...all of us were worried so much....he said to sid who was still on his spot frozen.

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