Chapter 17

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Next chap only after the target is done....

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If you guys delay it to complete the target then the story will be delayed to complete and also the start of the other books also will be guys act wisely....

Siddharth opened his eyes slowly. He was still affected by headache. But he didn't focused on that as he was shocked. Shocked to find himself in the familiar room. The sandal coloured walls, the fairy lights on the shape of Siddharth nigam and the pictures he took from his childhood furnished the walls in front of him.

He rubbed his eyes in disbelief.  He was shocked and more surprised when he found himself back in his room....his home...

He tried to get up. But was pinned down on the bed by some weight on his left hand and he felt someone's hand on his leg. Due to his movement the person who was beside him stirred up.

Sm1: Oh god sid....u are awake finally.....he heard the familiar voice which he was missing so badly from last few days...

Sid looked at the persons infront of him with wide eyes.

Sid(in mind): it's not a dream i really seeing both of them now...he thought for sometime as he dreamed of this moment and thought he will find himself again in that small room as he was fully traumatized.

Sm1: hey jannat wake up....sid is awake....he heard his dada's voice again and looked at him who held his hands gently.

Sid looked at Abhi. He was looking fully exhausted but still he was smiling at him.

Sid: dada....he whispered when Abhi smile widened and he nodded his head.

Abhi: are you ok it paining anywhere...he asked for which sid shook his head in a no with a teary smile.

Abhi: oh god Jan...wake up...he said little loudly when he found she was still sleeping.

Sid turned saw her sleeping cutely laying her head Sid's leg. He smiled pinched her nose making her wake up with a jerk.

Jan: WHAT THE HELL.....she stood up with a jerk and stopped in middle when she saw sid smiling at her.

Jan: that u....wait....tell me this is not a dream....she said throwing herself on him hugging him tightly. Sid hugged her back smiling and thinking and assuring himself that this is all true and not a dream. He was really hugging his best friend.

Abhi: hug without me....not fair...he whined when he was pulled into the hug.

Abhi: we missed you a lot Ashu....he said whispering and kissing Sid's head.

Sid: i...i missed u too...he said in hoarse voice as his throat was dry. Both of them pulled back from him and Abhi took a glass of water and gave to sid.

Sid took it and started to drink it in a haste. Both of them looked at with lots of questions in their mind. But they hesitated to ask looking at his condition.

After sometime jannat excused herself to get fresh.

Sid: i also need a shower....he said in low whisper. Abhi nodded his head and took some comfy clothes from the closet and gave it to sid.

Sid took his time to take a long shower.

Avu: you will be happy soon....i am sooo sorry for hurting...please forgive me...i promise that this time i will keep my promise.

Those words Avneet ringed in his mind when he was under the shower relaxing himself.

Sid: what does she mean by this time....she never promised me before...he asked to himself in confusion.

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