Chapter 16

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Hey guys....

I am really busy this week...i am posting this chap as it was in drafts...i dont think i will get to write till next wait for me..and yeah i am giving u soo much time to complete the target...

Target for next chap...

95 votes...

Next chap will be posted on Sunday if the target is done..or else i will wait till it is done...

Avneet was still hugging Siddharth who was unconcious in her arms. She looked over his face and again kissed his forehead.

Avu: u will be fine Arth...i will make sure of it ...

Soon Faisu came inside the room and Avu handed unconcious sid to him. Faisu looked at sid who was sleeping what was going on around him. Faisu remembered the day they kidnapped him. That also Sid was looking same as like now. Only difference was the scars on his head which they gave. But little did he saw the main scar which they gave him in his heart and mind.

Avu: let's go fai...

Faisu nodded his head took sid in his arms and they walked out of the room. They reached the garage of the mansion and Vaishu was there ready with the car.

On the way to the garage Avu's eyes was only on sids face. His pale face emitting pure innocence. He was still same as in the childhood...nothing changed. But how didn't she came to recognise him. This thought was only going on in her mind.

Vaishu gave a assuring smile to Avu and Faisu was looking at her with mixed emotions. Maya was also there.  She felt really guilty as she knew how much Avneet was searching for that one single boy from so long...she has witnessed Avus battles with her own emotions when thinking about him. She felt terribly sorry eyeing sid in a bad way and also to inflict the fear in him. She wished he could forgive her but she knew he will not and he could not.

Avu saw all of their looks and tried to ignore all of it and focused on Sid. Maya opened the car door and Faisu made Sid to sit on the back seat. Faisu moved out and went to the passenger seat. Avneet was still looking at sid who was sleeping peacefully...she was securing all his features in her mind as far as possible because she doesn't know  how much time it will take to meet him again or worse it can be never again.

She leaned to him and gave another soft kiss on his cheek and his forehead. Faisu smiled a little when vaishu was so happy that sid was getting his freedom back but at the same time she was sad that she can't talk to him again..and above all she was feeling bad for Avu. Avneet has told her also everything before itself and the new plan also.

Avu: have a safe flight ...she said closing the car door.

Vai: don't worry Avu...we will take care....he will be safe...she said and avu nodded slightly.

Avneet stepped back when vaishu started the engine and soon the car was out of her sight. She smiled sadly while mourning on her luck..that

She found him but lost him again......

In Nigam mansion.

Jan: HOW COULD U BE LIKE THIS.....she yelled on Amir. She totally lost her control when she came to know that Amir didn't do anything even after watching the vedio of his only son.

Amir: watch ur tone jannat....i am bearing ur attitude because ..

Jan: because my father is ur business partner right....she cut him off ...

Jan: how could u be such a heartless man....i still don't know how come a  angel like Sid born to u....she spatted on him while Abhishek was sitting silently trying to hold his anger.

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