Chapter 18

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After 2 days....

Siddharth walked out from his room and went to his garden. It's been 2 days after his encounter with his father. He tried his best to avoid his father and Amir also let him to be as he was himself so much confused.

Abhi and jannat tried their best to make him talk about the incident but Sid avoided them too. They informed Tunisha about Sid's return and she was so surprised and confused about it.

Sid sat on the garden bench looking at the beautiful flowers blooming and the cool breeze was hitting his face and his front hair was dancing to the rhythm of the wind.

Sid: i just can't stay here for my whole life.....he thought to himself.

He decided to give a call to his best friend but she was on another call. He sighed and put his phone aside. Without his knowledge his mind traveled to the morning when he last saw her. The mafia queen who kidnapped him but he really couldn't digest the fact that she kissed him so fondly on his forehead before sending him back.

Sid: don't think about her Siddharth....he scolded himself.

Sid: i can't stay here anymore....i am going to the company....he said to himself and left the garden in a determination.

Abhishek and jannat was sitting in a cafe near Jannats company with Tunisha.

Tuni: can u just let me meet him once....she asked.

Abhi: i am sorry Tunisha....sid is not in a condition to talk about that....he said sadly as sid didn't even shared a single word about the whole thing.

Tuni: trust me...i won't ask any questions to him....i will not irritate him....she tried again but Abhi slowly shooked his head in a no.

Jan: that's not the problem Tunisha...sid is in a shocked and numb state after the incident...he is being so silent... Me and Abhi bhaiya are the closest one to him..he has shared everything to us but this time he is not even opening his mouth about it....

Tunisha frowned on this statement.

Tuni: it means something big has happened to him there....she said making Abhi and Jan to frown.

Abhi: what do you mean...

Tuni: i mean something big incident happened to him when he was there or....may be he found out something unexpected...

The last words of Tunisha clicked something in Abhi's mind. He saw siddharth storming out of the room in so much anger when Amir went to talk to him. In his whole life Abhi never witnessed such a scene that sid getting angry with his father.

Abhi: may be u are right....something is really bothering him...his behaviour is totally changed even with his father...

Jan too agreed remembering Sid's anger towards his father on that day.

Tuni: see...i told u only i am asking u to arrange a meet up with him...and above all...i am really curious that why Avneet Kaur let him go just like that....

Abhi: i was also thinking about that only...ok i will try to take him out for dinner and we will meet u ok...

Tuni: ok let me know the time and place...she said and they left from there.

In Nigam enterprises.

The whole company was on chaos. The employees were gossiping each other on seeing Siddharth entering into the company like nothing happened. He was looking perfect like before no change was seen in him.

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