chapter 15

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Siddharth was woke up next day by Vaishu once again. She was spending more time with her taking care of him. He felt happy around her. She treated his wounds again and gave some more books to him to kill the time.

Like this 3 more days passed. Sid was happy that he didn't had to see the angry Mafia queen or that Maya. He felt scared on her name itself. But he was oddly felt safe in that house. He felt peacefull. But it doesn't mean he didn't miss his Dada and his bestfriend....but he felt better for some unknown reasons.

Vaishu was doing her work more efficiently as it was Avneet who ordered to take care of him now. She spent more time with sid and came to know some things about his Dada and bff.

Sid: Jann will always fight with me when i snatch her favourite cookies from her....he said chuckling.

Sid: and Abhi dada...he is the most lovable person in my life...he loves me so much...and u know he is really intelligent but sometimes he will really make bad jokes that will make us to think to kill him....he said laughing ..

These  two things were the most prominent remarks she came to know about the most important persons of his life. But sid never talked about his dad again or about his mother.

And a week passed like this. Now sid was completely fine and vaishu was happy that the bruises on his face were completely vanished. Still the scar of that night on his head was there but his hair on his front shadowed it.

But in this one week....Avneet never came out of her room. She locked herself in the room. She didn't even came out to go to her office. Vaishu and Faisal delivered her meals all the time. They were really confused on her behaviour as this was the first time that she neglected her works like this.

Vaishu could sense what was Avneet's state now as she clearly sensed the guilt in her voice on that night. But on the other hand Faisu and Maya was pissed at her behaviour.

By the end of the week Faisu couldn't hold anymore and he barged into her room. Maya was there discussing on something with Avneet.

Fai: care to explain the reason for this shitty behaviour Avneet....he said in harsh tone.

Avneet gave him a glance and went back to her laptop still discussing with Maya.

Faisu got furious and he approached her. He snatched the laptop away and she shot up in anger.

Avu: what the hell Faisu....i am working here...

Fai: and that's what exactly i want to know....WHAT THE HELL....he yelled and she grabbed his collar in a second.

Avu: dont use that tone on me Faisu....she growled and he rolled his eyes in annoyance but he said a small sorry.

She left him and walked towards the couch.

Fai: i am worried about u Avu....not only me we all are....just tell me what's bothering u....he said in a calm tone seeing Avneet calmed down already.

Maya: yes Avneet...he is right...we are here..u can tell us what's wrong....and why are u locking urself inside ur room like this....

Fai: is it about business....he asked trying to get an answer from her.. but she remained silent.

Fai: is it about that Nigam....he asked but he didn't noticed the small change in her expression.

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