Chapter 5

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In AK mansion.

Avneet rushed to Vaishnavis room and shook her harshly to wake her up....vaishu woke up groggily and spoke in a sleepy voice....

Vai: wh..what happened....she asked rubbing her eyes..

Avu: di...

Vaishu's sleep vanished the second she heard the horrified voice of avneet.

Vai: whats wrong Avu ....

Avu: he...come and check him di...he is not breathing properly....

Vaishu's eyes widened in realisation of who is that He....she quickly ran towards the room where Sid was kept followed by Avneet.

Vaishu eyes misted seeing him lying unresponsive on the bed his legs dangling. She went to him and checked him

Avu: what happened di....

Vai: we have to start the IV Avu....he is fully drained out of energy....she said making him lay on the bed properly...

Vai: u wait here i will come now....she said running towards her room to get her medical kit.

Avneet stood in her place and looked at him. She saw how pale he looked like and somewhere she felt sad and guilty for making him like this. But she masked her feeling and stood idle when vaishu came back with her kit. Faisu came inside with a sleepy eyes but he got shocked looking at the unconcious siddharth who looked so pale...

Vaishu quickly put the IV needle in his hand and started the medicine. Then she took a towel and started to wipe off the sweat which was on his face.

Fai: what's wrong with him....why is he looking so pale....

Vai: i tried to make him eat....but he refused...this is offcourse because of that...she said looking at Avu.

Avu sighed and turned to go out of the room.

Avu: keep him alive....she said while going out when Vaishu and Faisal looked at eachother.

Faisu huffed and sat on the bedside near Sid's leg and watching him.

Vai: he is suffering for his father's deeds....he is innocent...she said caressing Sid's hair softly.

Fai: no comments di.....

Vai: seriously Faisu....why he has to suffer when that Mr. Nigam is happy there.....she asked looking at him.

Fai: who said he is happy....he asked chuckling while vaishu frowned.

Fai: well....actually we are getting what we wanted at first....did u even noticed....that Nigam is everywhere on the flash news "the famous business man Mr. Amir nigams son ran away from his own marriage....."he said laughing with the last line like a news reporter.

Vai: this isn't fair Faisu....she mumbled.

Fai: what he did was also not fair di....(quickly changing into a laughing tone) here listen this....he said taking his phone out and showed a news vedio.

Mr. Siddharth nigam is suspected to ran away with his girlfriend as there is no reason to ditch his wedding with a beautifull girl like Rashika badiani....

Fai: isn't it funny....he has ran away with his girlfriend....he said laughing....

Vai: yes very he is not even having the privilege to walk 10 steps continuously in this small room....she mumbled to herself rolling her eyes for the vedio

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