Chapter 26

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Within 24 to 48 hours....

Jann couldn't fell asleep early but
eventually she dozed off near 3am. Her thoughts were wandering here and there.....specially the word HER. She keep on glancing over sleeping Sid...the now peaceful face that was contorted in severe pain... just because of some memories. If he was that much terrified by the memory.....than what he actually
felt at that moment.

All these thoughts kept her from
sleeping but when she opened her eyes..morning was blooming outside. She turned to face now empty bed. She frowned and quickly got up from the bed and knocked on the bathroom but found that empty.

Jan: Damn...Sid...she grabbed her hairs and quickly rushed down to search for him.

Maid: Oh....Mam... breakfast is ready..she said to her but she quickly shook her head.

Jan: Sid.... where is he...

Maid: Oh Mr.Nigam.... he left an hour ago...We all tried to stop him and told him to have breakfast... but he said that he had some work...she replied and Jan sighed knowing the reason of
that work.

Jan: Thanks...Where is mom...she asked when she couldn't find her mom as well.

Maid:she also left early morning....Jann nodded her head and went back to her room and grabbed her phone... ready to dial Sid's number. but she stopped.

Jan: Maybe he is feeling insecure or
uncomfortable yet....He still needs some time....she muttered and finally put back the phone.

But some notifications caught her
attention. She grabbed it again and bit
her tongue as there were 50+ missed
calls from Abhi....

Jan: damn.. when it went to silent mode...Oh God. help me today....she prayed...

Sid:I am sorry dada.....i just um.....i...

Abhi: I what.....he cocked his eyebrow and Sid bit his lip.

When siddharth went back to his
house,..he found Abhi in his car....waiting outside of the mansion. Definitely pissed..

Sid: I wasn't feeling i called
Jan and slept there...he said playing with his fingers.

Abhi sighed and slightly patted his hairs.

Abhi: You need someone to share this

burden Ashu ...I am here...Jan is here.
Please don't hurt yourself anymore...

Siddharth felt his eyes stinging on his
words. He was already feeling like an
idiot for spilling nonsense infront of
Jan last night. He was sure that he
will be bombarded by hundreds of
questions by her....

He can't tell about Rashika or about
kidnapping thing.. so he decided to tell other surprise.

Sid: i..-i found her Dada.... Abhi's eyes went more than just wider.

Abhi: What....

Sid: Hm.. i found Neet....she is CEO of Raichand enterprises... the one is having a big project of this year....he
explained..leaning his head back on
couch...Abhi was still sitting there with wide eyes.

Abhi: she is Ms. Raichand...? But we never knew her real name so far. What is her name....he asked and Sid bit his lip and again shook his head slowly.

Abhi: Don't tell me you didn't know either.....he said and sid just sighed.

Abhi: Did she remembered you...i mean....did she know you are Arth....he again asked
and sid let out a bitter chuckle.. confusing already confused Abhi.

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