Chapter 44

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Next is Epilogue and after

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Within 24 to 48 hours....

Tuni: Seriously man.....i never thought that Amir is the master mind behind this all....she chuckled as she closed the file that she made while searching for Sid...

Her friend chuckled and shrugged her

Fri: We can't see what's coming dude.
Earth is always spinning-...with that
both burst into laughter but Tunisha
suddenly fell silent.

Tuni: But that innocent boy suffered alot because of his evil father. He never deserved that all... Avneet forgiving that old freak is still a question for me......

Her friend nodded in agreement. They
all knew that Avneet did forgive other but no one knew the reason.

Fri: Forget it....Just chill....You are coming on the party this weekend... There will be many boys...her friend said with a mischievous smile and Tunisha rolled her eyes.

Tuni: Why not....she laughed a little as she deleted the pictures of Siddharth and all related stuff to him that she gathered while privately digging in the case.

Tuni: The case is closed....she mumbled as the files finaly deleted from her phone. But she was happy that through this case, she did find new friend in form of Abhi...

Avneet was staring time to time at
Sid who had his head resting over car window. Faisu was driving their car as Vaishu and Abhi were in Sid's car, going somewhere....

Avneet: Are you tired....she asked in soft voice and Sid slightly tilted his
head with a pout.

Sid: Running a marathon because a
certain someone was trying to sneak
away silently, yeah i am tired.....the
sarcasm was too cute to feel anything
and Avneet bit her lower lip to stop
herself from laughing, because for
now sid was looking a little mad.

Once they left the airport, with
Sid in Avneet's arms still hugging...he
started showing a bit of attitude but
honestly...Avneet was still liking that
salty sid...

But when she asked from him that
where he wanted to go, his reply gave
her all the happiness she was in need.

Sid: With you.....

Those two words were enough to make her the happiest person on the
planet earth and she happily declared
that they will be going to Nandra mansion... ofcourse.

Mansion was quiet distant from
airport so they were still on the road.
And siddharth was now sulking with
tiredness. After feeling all the things
settled down, his body was in need of
some rest that he didn't give before.

Avneet scooted more closer to him
and patted his shoulder.

Avneet: Here....Have a nap....We are still half an hour away from mansion...

Sid gasped dramatically but huffed in the end.

Sid: My back is aching...he complained with pout but his tired look was clear on his face.

Avneet sighed and in next moment
she dragged him gently towards
herself as now sid was practically leaning over her chest.

Sid:What th....

Avneet: Shh....have a nap...You look too tired sid...she softly said as her one hand protectively settled Sid beside close to her and he was resting his head on her chest....

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