Chapter 14

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And also i want some shoutouts for the book...because the 1st chap of this book has reached 1.1k reads but other chaps haven't reached 500 reads...i am not happy with the give shoutouts...

Avneet was still on her knees unti she heard another whimper from sid. He was wincing in pain and a sob escaped his lips even if he was asleep.
She got up and ran to the bed and her heart clenched when she saw the pained expression on his face.

When another sob escaped his lips she didn't wasted a second. Wiping her tears harshly she ran out of the room to grab the first aid kit. She came back with the same speed luckily no one noticed her on the way in her panicked state.

After coming back she sat beside him and took the antiseptic cream in her fingers. She hesitated at first but composing herself and with her shivering hands she put the cream on the large bruise in his stomach. He frowned on the sense of cold of the cream on his wound but he didn't woke up.

With teary eyes she continued to put cream on his bruises with feather touches being carefull not to wake him up. Her mind was messed up at the time but she controlled herself for him.

Once she was done with stomach she started to out the cream on his cheek. He winced in pain when her fingers touched the busted lips and the stinging sensation raised in him. Avneet froze for a second when he strired in sleep and was opening his eyes slowly but he didn't woke up fully and went to sleep again.

After treating all his bruises she got up and left the room immediately with a heavy heart. She didnt wanted to leave him..but the scars and bruises on his body was taunting her every second.

On entering her own room she fell on her knees letting out a quote scream. She was in so much pain...that too absorb in a single night.

How come an angel was born in that house of a devil? How come he had to bear all the tortures because of that devil

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How come an angel was born in that house of a devil? How come he had to bear all the tortures because of that devil...?

Only these thoughts were lingering in her mind. She grabbed her hairs in frustration when another memory flashed in front of her eyes.


"Neet...."....the younger boy chirpped while coming towards the girl.

The girl smiled at the arrival of her cute boy but her smile dropped when she saw tears brimming in those beautifull eyes which always claimed her and the puffiness on his eyes accompanied by a red hand print on his cheek. She got angry instantly...who would have heart to hurt a mere 8 year old...

Neet: what happened....she asked in a tone which was harsh as she got angry.

The young boy bite his lips to control his sobs and his lower lips wobbled on the harsh tone. The girl regretted instantly..

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