Chapter 24

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Author's note...

Dear readers...

If u are a fan of BxB stories..please go and search for those stories and enjoy...just because i write well and u like my writing style i cant compel myself into a uncomfort zone to write BxB stories...that too in this fandom....i started to read and write stories as ABHINAVI and SIDNEET i can't even imagine the male idols in that way....

I do read BxB stories...but i can't write like that on them...but if u want u can search for it...even i came across one or two book in that genre with siddharth as one lead...but what i am telling is i cant write like please stop asking me to write a BxB story...

And about someone asking me for a supernatural story like werewolf or vampires...i would like to....but currently i am not having any plot for it...if i guys have any plot feel free to dm me...and i will try to write on it once the ongoing books are completed...

Happy reading...


Neet slept off her tiredness over that
bench and her sleep was disturbed by
loud voices of some kids. She got up and looked around to find many children playing at a distance. She grabbed the water bottle from the plastic bag that Arth gave her and washed her face with that.

Time passed to the evening as she
munched on the snacks which he gave her. She was truly grateful for the boys
act but at the same time, she was feeling a bit nervous.

Neet: What if he don't come back?.....only this thought was keeping her sad for whole time.

She watched as few parents came along with their kids in evening. Smiling, cheering and playing with their little ones. She sadly smiled on the view missing her own family.

Arth: NEET... she quickly looked back to found the smiling boy, skipping
towards her happily... again with a
plastic bag...

Neet: you are here....she said with a smile of satisfaction and he nodded
his head, his fluffy hairs bouncing

Arth: I..i brought these.....he handed the bag to her again....

Neet: Toothbrush and paste...soap..
sanitizer....towel...and clothes....she named out the things in plastic
bag with a surprised look while he nodded his head with a content smile.

Arth:There is another bag inside.....he
gestured and she found other box... definitely filled with food.

Arth: Do you have enough water...i  forgot to take some bottles...he pouted and she just watched him with so much emotions.

Arth: I really want to take you home....he said again to which she  shook her head as she patted his hair l gently.

Neet: You are doing so much for me already Sweetie.....she literally saw a glint of  happiness in those warm brown hazel eyes.

Arth: Sweetie....

Neet: are so sweet...she
replied...still playing with soft locks.

During this, her fingers slightly brushed past the earshell of other and she literally heard a purr like sound from those plump lips.

She stopped her hand for a moment,
eyes widened in surprise as she saw
Arth with closed eyes and with so calm

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