Chapter 43

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Siddharth shook his head and slightly
pushed back Abhi...

Sid: What are you saying dada...i..i cant let her go like that...I can't....

The feeling of letting her go was killing him and he couldn't waste his time,...that's why he quickly rushed to his car and took control of steering wheel. When Abhi noticed that, he also followed him quickly.

Abhi: Ashu..where are you going...he asked as he succeeded in taking passenger seat in the car...

Sid: i..i want to stop her dada...she is
going somewhere and i can feel that
she is going so far....he mumbled
as he started the engine quickly, while
he dialed Jans contact from his
new phone. As he had lost Avneet's
contact with his previous phone.

Jan attended his call after two or
more rings...

Jan: What's wrong sid....

Sid: Jan.... where is Faisu....

Jan: Um...he left me half an hour ago....he had to leave for London with others....

Jan sounded so sad about that and
Sid bit his lip...others....Means
with Avneet....

Sid: Avneet is also g..going to London.....shr made a noise of disagreement.

Jan: she is going abroad....Her other friend.. um...what's her name-...

Sid: vaishu di ...

Jan: yeah....she is accompanying her to America. I don't know what with this sudden plan though....faisu will also leave after a week or two....

Sid felt his heart dropped. America...

Sid: Jan... can you...can you give me
contact number of faisu...Please....

Jan was confused but agreed and
ended the cal.

Sid's phone buzzed as he got the
contact number of Faisu and quickly
dialed his number. The number was
switched off and his mind started
mocking him..

You are going to be alone again,..she will definitely leave you

Sid: No no no.. please.....he muttered as he was speeding up the car, going to the airport.

He wanted to go the mansion of
Avneet but he had no idea about
the address as he entered and left the
mansion when he was unconscious.

Abhi:sid...calm down and think wisely what you are doing..... said in calming tone though he was also freaking on the situation.

Sid: dada...they are leaving...Avneet
and vaishu di are leaving for America... i can't let them go like that.
She thought that i hate herm..she thought that i blame her for everything ....

Abhi sighed but his eyes widened as he focused the words.

Abhi: vaishnavi is also leaving...he
mumbled to himself and for some
unknown reasons he felt a slight pang
in his heart. The calm and gentle aura
of her did had a troll on his heart...

Sid kept on driving towards the
airport while praying silently to not to
be so late this time.

Avneet walked to the corridor
leading her to the area where her
private plane was waiting for her.
Faisu was already there and his
phone was out of battery. Vaishu
silently followed the mafia queen who kept her gaze low.

Fai: We are ready. Are you sure about your decision....he asked as he saw little redness in her eyes.

Avneet: I can't find any other way for now....I think it's better this way. At least i don't have to see the hate in his eyes.....a sad chuckle left her lips as she tried her best to not to show her raw emotions to her friends.

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