Chapter 7

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Hey guys...

Here is the next chapter...soon avneets past is coming as u all wanted to quickly finish the target and know about it.

Target for next chapter

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So here is the Chapter.......

Avneet rolled siddharth out of room and rushed to other room. The maid gasped loudly seeing Siddharth's bloody face. It was really terrifying. Avneet saw her.

Avu: call vaishu di...she yelled and continued to roll the chair towards her room.

The maid was too stunned to react in anyway. Its not the first that she sees a man beaten black and blue. But he was different from other men who were brought here. Avneet had ordered to take care of him with all his needs even if she had restricted the most needed thing of him, his freedom.

Avneet glared at the maid who was still standing in shock. She yelled again opening the door knob of the other room. 

Avu: WHAT THE HELL....ARE U DEAF....CALL VAISHU DI NOW......the maid came out of her thoughts at her shout and nodded in yes and rushed to call Vaishu.

Avneet finally opened the room and took sid inside and made him lay on the bed. she looked at him and he was drenched with his own blood. His kurta has turned to deep red from green. She rushed into the bathroom and grabbed a towel and came back to him. 

She came back and pressed the soft towel on his skin to stop the blood which was gushing out. A second she was confused on her own actions. She has tortured many people more cruel than this. She has seen more blood on people. But seeing this guy in blood made her heart sink. She never wanted to feel like this...but she was feeling something...something she never felt before.

The feeling of being a human...the feeling of having a heart..which feels the pain of the others...and that other was none other her own target on whom she was planning so much things from years....

Avu:why....she just whispered looking at the bloody face of the pale and fragile boy who was laying peacefully on the bed like he got successful in what he wanted to do....

Soon the door burst open and Vaishu came in. She was also in the drunk state. She slowly stumbled towards the bed and her dizziness flew away once she saw the condition of Sid.

Vai: WHAT THE HELL AVU.....she yelled blinking her eyes many times but the scene was same. Avneet turned to her still pressing the towel to block the blood.

Avu: he tried to commit suicide....she said for which vaishu gasped. She was freaking out on the scenario.

Vai:oh god....i told u...I FUCKING TOLD U AVU.....she shouted.

Avu: DO SOMETHING......he is losing blood...she shouted back.

Vaishu came forth and checked his wound.

Vai: he needs stitches...she sad and rushed out to get her kit. After few minutes she came back and avu moved to give her space. Vaishu started to do her work while avneet stayed beside.

 Once she was done she again put him on IV and turned to Avu furiously. She grabbed her arms and dragged her out of the room. 

Vai:WHY THE FUCH HE DID THIS.....she yelled at her. Avneet was surprised on her sudden outburst. Vaishu wasnt the type to talk back or yell on her, but today it was different.

Avu: di....

Vai:he did that because of u only Avu....i told u before itself but u...u didnt listened to see...see what has happened....he lost himself.....she said to which Avneet silently stood not wanting to accept what she said.

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