Chapter 25

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Guys i want to ask something to u all who don't read Contradicted lives...i asked a suggestion yesterday...

I know some of u are SUMELLIKA fans as i want to know if u are ok if SUMEDH is used for negative character....please do reply to this....

Siddharth ran to his car and without
further thoughts.. he drove to a very
familiar location...

The darkness slowly faded as he saw
a beautiful park came in his view.
The night was on its full bloom and
the park was empty. Lights were still
illuminating the greenery of the area.

He doesn't have an idea why he went
there...but he felt like that. Parking the car on side, he walked to the entrance and slowly opened the gate. He walked to the specific place and to specific bench. Everything seemed just like before... Like when they played there while talking for hours. Bench was repainted with dark brown colour unlike before when it was painted with golden brown paint.

He slowly sat there... at same spot.. his
body slumped completely on the metal bench.

He turned his head to the right side
and saw a glint of the younger Neet....
smiling at him with her cute smile.
His head was still resting over top of
bench while tilting towards right side.

Sid: are back.. but i think... we are too much distant....he mumbled as
tears started to fell from his left eye..
flowing to his right eye and then fell on the bench.

He let out his tears again... maybe he
was overreacting but he can't control.
The way Neet slapped away his
hand.. he can't get it out of his mind.
The person he wanted to see the most,
the girl he missed alot in past years,
same girl refused to show her face.

He was sure that cold was a lame excuse.. nothing else... and that's the
thing hurting him.

Sid: I guess.. you don't feel same as i do...he tried to summarise the things on his own.

Sid: Not your fault though... who will stay by my side. Afterall...i am pathetic...

Words left the bitterness over his tongue as he chuckled humorously.

He wanted to be alone with few good
memories. His golden memories with
his very first friend. He was too much
happy to know that finally he found
her after years but deep down he
could feel that something was off.

Sid: also grown up so well well that i feel small infront of you....he again mumbled to no one. The voice of crickets and some nocturnal birds could be heard.

All the excitement left his body as he
started to feel extremely exhausted and tired. Tired of such a dramatic life and exhausted of being the main character of this drama.

He wanted to rest.. rest alot to forget
some messy thoughts clouding his
mind. After a while of shedding his
tears of anger and frustration, he got
from the bench but he felt his legs
wobbled as soon as he let those carry
his weight. He could barely took two
steps when his knees suddenly buckled up but he quickly grabbed the bench and fell on it.

Sid: I can't drive like this....he realized that he was so overwhelmed with emotions right now.

The state wasn't good for him to do
anything else. He sighed and grabbed
the phone from his pocket and without any thought he dialed a number.

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