Chapter 10

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I am giving the chapter as a gift for 300 followers....but next chapter will be updated only after the target of both the chapters are competed...

Siddharth was sitting in the room staring at the wall. His tears were stopped long ago...but his heart was still paining. It was more than 2 or 3 hours after the victims left....yep..he didnt thought himself as a victim anymore...for what his father did those girls were the real victims.

After thinking for some more time he
decided to talk to them. He walked to the door slowly. Still his head was paining so much. He went to the door and knocked it softly. But the door burst open making him take two steps back. The door opened revealing Maya with a smirk.

Sid got paincked seeing her. What was she doing out before the room he is in. The very thought that she could have came in and do something to him made him to panick.

Maya: what....she asked but sid stood silently not wanting to answer her. But she got angry and took a step towards him when he backed away. He was so scared of her. But luckily vaishu came for his rescue.

Vai: what are u doing Maya....she asked in a cold tone. Even it scared sid as he was hearing her so angry for the first after he was here.

Maya: he only knocked the door...

Vai: so....that doesn't gave u permission to come inside his room without any of us permission....u are a guard...behave like one...she said coldly when Maya rolled her eyes.

Vaishu turned to sid.

Sid: i..i want to speak with Ra..rashika and her....he said in a low voice.

Vaishu: let me ask her first...

Sid nodded and vaishu left from there giving glare at Maya. Maya locked the door again standing there itself. After sometime vaishu came back.

Vaishu: let's go...she said held his arms softly supporting him to walk as he was still weak. Maya followed them. Sid was feeling uncomfortable around her. Vaishu took him to avneet's study and entered inside.

Vaishu: i have some work...u guys talk..Maya i want u to come with me as i have to go to the mall...she said took her with her as she didn't wanted Maya to be around sid.

Sid stood there looking down not able to look up. He felt the dark theme of the room and the strong dark aura there.

Rashi: what u want to talk sid....she asked when he looked up. Rashika was sitting on the couch with her phone when Avneet was standing at the window looking outside.

Sid: i...i want to...he stuttered...he felt so guilty and ashamed for a thing he didn't do. But he was out of words...

Rashi: say it siddharth....she said getting up from the couch her voice raising.

Sid flinched at her voice. But he composed him and took steps towards her. She looked at him but was surprised when he suddenly knelt infront of her....

Rashi: Sid....she gasped when Avneet turned to see the situation and frowned.

Sid: i..i am sorry for ea..earlier...i..i was too numb to say that.....i..i will try to compensate ur loss...he said while fresh tears made its way out of his eyes.

Rashika looked at him with confused look when Avneet was staring at him. He continued...

Sid: i..i can't...he started cry louder when Avneet got shocked and surprised.

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