Chapter 28

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Tunisha was definitely surprised by
Sid's words and for a moment she
stopped every movement. Siddharth was still waiting for a response from her...eyes fixed on her......

Tuni: are way wiser than i thought....I am detective.....she finally
breathed out and chuckled when
Sid's cheeks gave a tint of light

Sid: i..i am.. wise.....he mumbled and
Tunisha nodded in agreement.

Tuni: Handsome and wise....double offer....she added to tease the him
and it definitely worked as Sid
moved his head more down to hide his red face.

They were sat in silence for a minute
or two, when something hit Sids mind.

Sid: you must know law.. right....

She nodded yes while gulping water.

Sid: Um....i...i mean.. can i ask something.....

Detective was sure that question must
be kind of awkward to ask, judging
from his hesitation.

Tuni: Sure....feel free to ask anything....she used her beaming tone to lighten up tension of other. Sid felt good by her response and finally asked.

Sid:What will be the punishment for a the one who committed the crime y..years ago..he asked in soft tone and bit his
lip after delivering the most difficult
dialogue of the evening.

Tunisha frowned slightly as the
question was definitely unexpected
and kind of weird.But she had to
answer before digging in the depth of
the scenario.

Tuni:Well...according to law...the
person should be hanged to death
or imprisoning for life is expected...

Siddharth gulped visibly and his facial expressions turned into sort of sadness...m


Sid: are a detective....Now i know how Dada met you....He must've
hired you for me....right.....he
blurted out to avoid the question that
Tunisha was about to ask.. ofcourse he had an idea what it could be.

Tunisha only chuckled on this as
Sid was sweating and rubbing
his palms over his jeans... a nervous
smile on his face.

Tuni: are wiser...Wise enough to dodge the unwanted things so easily...she commented and he just
looked at his almost empty plate.

Sid: What did you found during your search...he asked another question but with more serious tone.

Tuni: that you were kidnapped by Avneet Kaur......

That name caused him to
whip his neck so hastily that Tunisha
even heard a crack sound.

Sid: H...How.....

Tuni: Offcourse i am known in my profession siddharth.... But one thing is most surprising for me...she isn't the type to kidnap someone for money... until the person have some ties with her work, then she kidnapped you....And specially why that day.....she asked and Sid's
eyes widened on her words as he
recalled everything.

Tuni: I could feel that you are traumatised for some reasons and she definitely talked about her reasons with you....But why you are keeping those to yourself.....

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