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Dear readers ( not my followers , loyal readers who support me)

This is for those fake readers with fake id, not even following me and also not even once voted or commented on the chapters...totally those silent readers this is for u all....

What do u think guys....i am sitting idle here and giving chapters to u all...yeah i started writing when i was free but now for godsake i have my own job and i have to look after my life....amongst this i am giving chapters here....

And who gave u the right to bully me in comments....who said u i am not posting as the target is not done ...my loyal readers know that i will post the next if it takes long time and the target is nearly done....and now if i am not posting means i am busy and also i havent wrote the chapter yet.

And coming to the point ...i very well know who are my regular readers who support me. I am seeing the acc name for the first time in my notification bar and two accounts similar in name created on same day....if u don't find my story "Quality" then u can gladly skip and can search for quality books....it's my book and it's me who decide how to write....

And i hope my regular readers who support me will understand that i am really busy and i am not getting time to write. Contradicted lives is already written till 13th chap ...so only i am giving it frequently and Revenge or Love i am writing it only before posting the chap....if u also find i am being so rude not giving chapters then i am sorry i will try to update soon....but only after my works are finished.....


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