Chapter 30

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Guys if i cut down the comment targets means atleast u have to give some meaningful last chap it's just 3 comments....for seriously....i am giving my time and efforts to entertain u all...why can't u just appreciate me....from this chapter if u all don't give some comments then i will start giving comments targets again....and i mean it....

Siddharth drove to his office from
Jan's place....He entered his office with a small smile when his eyes fell on
the box he recieved from AK...well yeah,...he can call her by that fancy why not?

Meghna:Ahm....she cleared her throat and he turned back with same smile to face her. She also smiled in response when she saw a genuine smile on his face.

Meghna: Someone is happy today...she sang slightly and sid giggled on that.

Sid: Well... can say so...he said while
removing his coat.

Meghna chuckled and then her smile
faded when she realized why she was

Meghna: Um....He is angry. i mean too much angry....she said and Sid's  hand
movements halted.

Ofcourse he would be because he again didn't informed him and definitely that must've pissed off his already pissed father.

Sid:He is mostly angry....can't help that.....

If we say that Meghna was surprised by those words it was not a lie. She never saw him saying anything against his father... not in all those years she was with him.

Meghna: You are ri.. She couldn't even
complete her words as the door was
burst opened by a furious Amir.
He quickly gestured her to leave
while sid stand there with an
unimpressed look.

Once she hurried out of the room Amir let out a loud sigh. Sid grabbed the files he needed to work on and took the seat silently...kind of avoiding the presence of his father.

Amir: You did it again....

No response.

Amir: Why you are becoming like this
Siddharth... i swear.. i won't bear such-....

Sid: You never bear my presence..if i
am not wrong. But still you have to...he cut him while eyes still focus
on file.

Amir gritted his teeth.

Amir: You are a disgrace to my family...a murderer who killed his own mother...he again spatted those hurtful words so casually, scratching Sid's  heart with the sharpness.

Siddharth felt same feeling in his chest and eyes on hearing those words but he gulped down the feeling, shutting the file rather harshly and throwing that on table. He faced Amir directly and sneered.

Sid: What do you expect from son of a
murderer.....he finally said it loud. For a second he saw Amir's so puzzled expressions but soon those turned into somewhat, unreadable ones.

Amir: What are you blabbering...after a minute of silence...he again spatted in anger.

Sid: Exactly what you heard...Well...i am always so confused...why don't you just let me go if you hate me this much....he said, his voice devoid of any kind of emotions. God knows, how he controlled his emotions so well.

He remains rooted on his chair and slightly leaned back on chair.. producing a little sound.

Amir's eyes were filled with rage...
anger.. hate... but the dominant emotion was fear.

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