Chapter 29

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Faisu: Damn....

Jan scrunched her nose with a frown
and leaned forward to examine the face of the guy  to which he leaned back a bit.

Jan: You seems quite familiar...where did i saw you before....she mumbled the last words...asking herself and Faisu practically sighed in relief that he wasn't caught fully.

Jan:Well....what are you doing mister...she asked with a raised brow and Faisu rolled his eyes as he freed
himself from her grip.

Fai:I am trying to enter my car....he said sarcastically and Jan gritted her teeth.

Jan: Why your car is parked where there is clear sign of no parking....

Fai:Well... my eyesight is weak. Maybe...A sly smirk was on his face.... that Jan found really irritating.

Jan: Excuse me-...

Fai: Excused.....replied with same
smirk as he tried to enter his car again but she stopped him by grabbing his back of his jacket.

Fai: girl.... are you in love with my jacket...he  said and leaned over Jan
to which she raised his both hands to
stop him....

Fai: fell in love with me....he
whispered in her ear so sensualy but
Jann being Jan pushed him back
with full force...causing his body to
collide with car.

Jan: What the hell...why would I... I am just saying that you shouldn't park your car infront of my house when i-.....

Fai: so now u are clearly hitting on me....he said with a smirk which Jan wanted to wipe off his face....

Jan: are u even listening....

Fai: yeah i am...that u are telling me indirectly about ur house or should I say u are inviting me....he said winking at her while she gasped.

Jan: ohh my god....why would I do taste is way just leave....she said annoyed of him and he smirked more on her behaviour...

Fai: look at urself....looking like an angry kitten....your cute face....he teased her...

Jan: I.Am.Not.a. Kitten....she said with gritting her teeth...

Fai: are...pretty girl....he said and smiled before entering his car. Jan stood there with a red face due to anger or embarrassment....whatever...

Faisu definitely noticed that and got an another topic to irritate her who is already irritated...he started the engine and popped his head out of the window...

Fai: you are blushing pretty girl....

Jan: yo....before she could complete her words he waved his hands from the moving car yelling some words...

Fai: hope to meet u again blushing pretty girl......

Fai: woah...that was so close....he muttered to himself looking at the disappearing figure of Jan. But a smirk made its way to his lips....

Fai: she is fun....he said chuckling...

Jan stomped loudly on road with
gritted teeth.

Jan: That stupid son of an idiot....monkey face....gummy teeth...vampire.....that's
what she cursed....well she can't
actually curse.

Jan: oh my God... why my face is so hot....she patted her cheeks and then realized.

Jan: NO no no.. i am not blushing....oh god....she squealed and turned back to see her guard looking at him with wide open mouth.

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