Chapter 19

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As some of my loyal readers asked i am giving a last chance for u all....i am posting this chapter...if...if the target of this chapter and chapters 17 and 18 are not completed within 24 hours to 48 hours then the book will be taken down without any notification....and i mean it...

Target for next chap

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It was afternoon on the same day. Abhi came to Nigam Enterprise to meet sid. Both were sitting in the cafeteria sipping their coffee when Abhi was pleading to sid.

Abhi: please's just a dinner...may be an hour or two...he was pleading to him from last half an hour but he was saying no continuously ...

Sid: dada...please....i am not in a mood to go out....i told u...

Abhi: yeah yeah....u told me that already a thousand times....but Ashu....i want to go out with u....please for me...he asked with a puppy face to which sid just huffed.

Already Sid was mad at him for asking him to meet  telling it's emergency and it had turned out to be a pure lie.

Sid: dada....

But he was cut off when he attacked his only weakness. He placed his hands on his earlobe and started to rub it. Sid relaxed immediately and closed his eyes when Abhi leaned closer to him.

Abhi: you are going with me for dinner and that's final...hmm....he said in a low tone to which sid nodded his head slightly. He grinned widely on his success and retreated his hand. Sid whined on the loss of that soft touch but suddenly his mind went to that day.... the day when Avneet also touched his earlobe and he felt so much relaxed and comfortable by that touch.

Sudden remembrance of that incident made him to blush which was noticed Abhi.

Abhi: why are u blushing sid...he asked frowning making him come out of his thoughts. He quickly got up from the chair.

Sid: i..i need to go back to office dada...

Abhi:ok...Jannat will pick u up at which sid nodded and both of them left from there.

The clock was ticking 7 pm. Sid looked into the mirror once again to look at himself. He was wearing a simple red coloured checked shirt with a white pant looking stunning as always.

 He was wearing a simple red coloured checked shirt with a white pant looking stunning as always

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He sighed when his eyes fell on the scars of the stitches on his forehead. He quickly corrected his hair making some of the strands to fall on his forehead hiding the scars completely.

He came from office early and sighed as Amir was not around in the mansion.. A loud sound of horn made him flinched suddenly and he peeked through the window to find Jan with her car.

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