Chapter 33

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Sid: You really did used me as a Bait

Only his voice was ringing in Avneet's ears as she saw him rushing back to his car with his wobbly legs.

Vaishnavi came to her and shook her
out of her trance.

Vaishu:Didn't i warned you..You are
regretting it now....she muttered and
walked back to her car where Jackson
was silently watching whole thing kinda confused.

Avneet when heard that...she also
rushed back to the main entrance only to find Sid's disappearing car
She was feeling so much stupid..guilty
for everything. She should've listened to vaishu at that time.

She felt a bit of satisfied as Faisu's car
also disappeared after Sid's...

Vai: Where....she asked kind of

Avneet simply fell on the back seat of
the car and rubbed her face with both
of her hands.

Avneet:I don't know.. i feel like i am again homeless....she muttered as the last talk with sid  still echoing in her ears....

Siddharth somehow managed to drive
to Jan's place and quickly stumbled towards the entrance.

Sid: Jan...jan...he called for her
as the maid quickly came on his voice.

Maid: Mr. Nigam...A-are you ok....she asked in pure worry as she saw his condition.

Disheveled hairs, red face, swollen eyes and heavy breathing.

Sid: j..jan...he asked while controlling
his sobs and she quickly gestured other maid to call for her.

Jan was in bath when Sid called for her...., that's why she couldn't hear him out. But once her maid knocked on the door with panic voice and told about Sid's  condition, she quickly came out, grabbing some random hoodie and sweatpants, throwing over her body as she ran to the
living room.

Her heart wrenched when she saw him trying hard to breath properly
as her maid was trying her best to make him drink some water.

Sid: sid.... What happened....she asked in worry as she embraced him in her

Once in arms of his best friend,Sid  again broke down... not even realizing the sympathetic looks that all the servants were giving him.

Jan:'s ok...You are safe. Let's get to my room. Hm....she suggested as she saw the looks of her servants.

Sid barely nodded from her chest and jan quickly helped him to her room.

Maid:Poor boy, why he is always so broken....she mumbled, looking at
the sobbing mess of boy....

Jan removed his coat and made him
sat on her bed. Grabbing wet tissues to wipe his tear stained face.

Jan: Please don't cry that much....she
again tried as she wiped away previous stream of tears only to be replaced by new one.

Sid hugged her and cried.....he
just cried while burying his head deep
in the chest of his best friend to seek warmth.

Jan was getting impatient with the
time.And even after 1 whole hour, when sid didn't stopped crying
without telling anything, she grabbed
him by his shoulders.

Jan: sid..... tell me. Did your so called father hurt you? If he did, i swear i will slit his throat this time. I am f****** angry on him for always hurting you. Just tell me.....

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