Chapter 22

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Sid(in mind): Arth....Arth...did...did i just heard Arth.....because i am missing her too much....he thought to himself..

Siddharth was gone into thick clouds of his thoughts on hearing the words...he couldnt believe. But he was sure of one thing...he heard it right....loud and clear....

Avneet was just looking at sid who was spacing out while looking at the floor of rooftop. She sighed when her phone buzzed and took that as a cue.

She  silently made her way to the elevator and left him on the rooftop in his own world of thoughts. She walked out of the elevator once she reached the 2nd floor. Jackson was waiting for near the meeting room.

Jack: oh u are back....should we go....he asked as he saw his boss coming out of the elevator once again her face covered with mask.

Avneet didn't answered him and
just walked forward to reach ground
floor. Jackson was kind of curious and
he tried to locate Siddharth behind his boss but couldn't find him. He frowned on that but silently followed his boss who was kind of taking very big steps to walk more speedily.. just to leave the suffocating area.

Jackson ran to open the door for
Avneet right when Mr.Sharma came
running behind... panting.

Mr.Sharma: M..Ms.Raichand.... you are leaving early.....everything ok....he asked a bit panicked about the sudden behaviour of other.

Avneet didn't bothered to answer
him and opened the door for herself
and walked to her car. Jackson quickly brought a fake.. but professional smile on his face and answered.

Jack: We have some emergency at our
company.. so we have to leave.... Don't
worry.....he said and Mr. Sharma let out a sigh of relief upon hearing that and smiled back.

Once Jackson entered the car, Avneet
took off her mask as the windows were tainted.

Avneet: Let's go..... Jackson nodded and took control of steering wheel. The car started moving as Avneet's eyes were still focused on rooftop of the building.

She felt a bit of guilt for leaving Sid
again but she couldn't think of other
way...she was feeling so much mixed
emotions at the moment.She thought that she forgot how to handle that fragile angel...and she didn't wanted to hurt him again...

Siddharth finally came out of his
thoughts when he saw the CEO
entering the elevator. His eyes widened in realization and he quickly ran but the door already got closed before he could reach the vicinity. That's why Avneet couldn't saw him coming.

Sid: No no.. stop. I have many questions....please....he mumbled and
pressed the button but he already
knew that it will be futile. He quickly
rushed to the stairs and started
descending with great speed. He was
panting and huffing, but didn't stopped for a single second. The single word was enough to increase the level of adrenaline in his blood.

He ran and ran... when he reached the
meeting room he found that empty.

Sid: Oh no... please.....he grabbed his hairs and again ran towards the reception.

Sid: M.. Ms. Raichand......he asked in between his breaths and girl on reception frowned on his condition... hairs sticking to his forehead due to sweat and he was panting badly while grabbing the counter supporting his body.

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