1.0-the victory of the 66th tribute.

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—THE PEOPLE OF DISTRICT 1 watched in anticipation as the five last survivors stood in the arena

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—THE PEOPLE OF DISTRICT 1 watched in anticipation as the five last survivors stood in the arena. Murmurs spread amongst them and their hearts weighed heavily in their chest. One of their chosen tributes had already died, and their only hope for glory rested on the shoulders of a 13 year old girl.

Who's nowhere in sight.

The shadow moved swiftly and went where she pleased. The sound of her footsteps impossibly silenced as she ran between the trees. Her dark gray eyes observed her prey walking aimlessly in the arena with their weapons raised ready for any upcoming attacks. She knew that they were aware of her presence but were unable to detect where she was.

No one could. Hence why the majority of deaths were caused by her hands.

Or, to her, by her tricks.

Never did they once see her use her weapon, or if she even had one throughout the whole game. She had run from the cornucopia weaponless, avoiding every attack smoothly and not even one scar, nor blood, marred her body.

The people had made her out to be a coward, and the residents of district one had hanged their heads low as they had witnessed her run away. They'd believed she'd be the first one to die – a scrawny little girl with so little sponsors, and gave up on wanting to watch more.

So when the first canon sounded, they watched.

But not in shame.

As the face on the screen was not hers, but the unfortunate female victim from district 4. And beside the corpse was their girl, standing with an emotionless face with nothing but her mischievous and calculating gaze.

Their hope began to rise as they watched her every move. Fazed by the power she holds over her words of manipulation. Turning her enemies to fight against one another. She reaped the unfortunate souls one by one until there were only six left.

Now here she was, hidden between the trees not far from the five tributes – the remainders of the career pack. Holding her breaths as she calculated their movement.

"WE KNOW YOU'RE IN THERE, PORTWELL!" The male tribute from district 7 yelled at the group of trees.

"What if she's not here?" District 4 asked with an uncertain look on his face.

"You're scared?" 2 questioned him with a mocking smirk.

"Hell, I am. Didn't you see the way she handled each tributes from 3 and 12? Of course I'd be scared. Not to mention the fact that she had no weapons with her."

CAN'T CATCH ME NOW - F.O; HG (+tbosbas)Where stories live. Discover now