two-"Pretty Boy"

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Chapter Two

"Pretty boy."

—— Once upon a time, he'd dreamt of becoming a performer

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—— Once upon a time, he'd dreamt of becoming a performer. Traveling across every district and to sing at the Capitol for the elites— even though they were the ones responsible for the loss of lives during the war. One that included his parents' life.

Being 18 and the oldest of the family, Zephyr was the only one to take care of his sister; Minnie. A sweet little thing, too naive and pure for the dark days they had to endure. He'd do with all his might to protect her.

Dressed in his finest clothes, as fine as they can be, he walked with the other kids down the line to be registered. When the needle pricked his finger, he barely winced and stamped his bloodied finger on the paper under his name, then continued down the row.

Fingers grazed his arm and he turned to see Jolene Cristoph, dressed in blue, her blonde hair styled into a neat low bun. "Hey Jo." He greeted the 16 year old.

Jolene was the daughter from a long line of finest jewelry makers. Her family, who was also his neighbor, owned the shop in the centre of the district, making them one of the richest civilians in district 1. She was beautiful and kind, something he couldn't deny, yet deep in his heart Zephyr couldn't find himself to see her more than a friend.

"Do you think there's a chance you'd get reaped?" The girl asked. Worry laced in her tone as her lips slightly trembled.

The singer gave her an assuring smile, lifting up his hand to tuck the blonde strand behind her ear. "I'll be fine, Jo." He told her. He took a chance to ruffle her hair, earning a groan of disapproval from her as she swatted his hand away. "Go find my sister, and take care of her."

Before he could do anything, Jo leaned up and pressed a kiss on his cheek. He watched her left and disappeared into the crowd of girls, and he turned around to do the same. Zephyr felt someone pat his shoulder and turned to see one of the boys smirking at him, which he quickly recognized as Clarke Doyle. "How does it feel to have all of Jolene's attention?" The boy teased him.

Zephyr lightly pushed him away. "I don't see her that way."

"You should be lucky, Zeph. To have her eyes on you is a godsend."

He managed to find Jolene amidst the group of girls with his sister. As if she had sensed him, Jolene turned to his direction and gave him a wave. Trying not to be rude, he returned the gesture, before going back to Clarke. "We're just friends, Clarke." He pressed. "And you know her father. He wouldn't even let me be near her."

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